Public Safety

Russian Gas Supplies Through Ukraine Turned Off

Last month, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed the SAFE PIPES Act, reauthorizing the Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). Tucked inside the bipartisan bill are important new measures intended to advance the ways in which regulators facilitate the repair and replacement of old, increasingly leaky pipeline systems. The bill also creates a multi-agency task… Keep reading →


A great thing happened today for the environment and people of California. On the very day we released new maps measuring methane leaking from natural gas lines under Los Angeles-area streets, the Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) announced they would begin publishing their own maps showing the locations of leaks they find on their system. It… Keep reading →

The US Senate’s energy panel did a status check Tuesday on actions taken to ensure the electric grid is protected from cyber-attacks. The hearing came as lawmakers are poised to consider yet another round of cybersecurity legislation.

Testimony we heard about cumbersome processes and the inability to react quickly didn’t sound too promising, but you can read the excerpts below or scan the full testimony here and decide for yourself. Keep reading →