Natural Gas

The 70th Anniversary Of The D-Day Landings Are Commemorated In Normandy

German-Turkish-Russian ‘Energy Security Triangle’: Building Long-term Resilience while Defusing Geopolitical Tensions The recent Munich Security Conference in the Bavarian capital brought together – as it does every year – important decision-makers in international politics, including heads of state and government along with foreign and defense ministers to discuss “hot” foreign and security policy issues. This year’s… Keep reading →

The Memorial Tournament - Pro-Am

Former Chesapeake Energy Chairman and CEO Aubrey McClendon is back in the news for allegedly stealing corporate secrets on his way out the door in 2013. McClendon is famous for founding Chesapeake and embracing new drilling technology that helped make the company one of the largest US natural gas producers. However, conflicts of interest began… Keep reading →

Oil Prices Continue To Rise With Demand

This speech is important. Royal Dutch Shell CEO Ben Van Beurden says that it is time for the oil industry to join the debate over climate change. Shell has long advocated for a price on carbon, but in a speech Thursday in London he took the message farther by saying: “Our sector needs to enter… Keep reading →

Greenspan Warns Of Danger Of High Natural Gas Prices

Methane hydrates are getting increased attention as a major new source of clean hydrocarbon energy. These enormous deposits of natural gas have never been developed commercially, but research and development has been promising, and expectations are that the gas could begin coming to market within a decade. Known as flammable ice, methane hydrates are molecules… Keep reading →

Eagle Ford, TX

General Electric (GE) and Norway’s Statoil have announced a strategic collaboration to advance more environmentally friendly and economically sustainable technologies for oil and gas production. GE and partially state-owned Statoil have a long history of working together and both share a commitment to improving their environmental footprints, which is a goal increasingly valued by investors… Keep reading →

Extreme Weather Sends Beef Prices To Record Highs

The Canadian Gas Association, a leading industry trade group, issued a report in December 2014 promoting renewable natural gas in Canada. Titled, “Renewable Natural Gas Technology Roadmap for Canada,” the report offers very aggressive support for biomethane production as a means to both reduce waste and greenhouse gases while developing an underutilized renewable resource. According… Keep reading →

California Continues To Lead U.S. In Green Technology

U.S. renewable power continued to grow in 2014, with preliminary federal data showing almost exactly half of the year’s new installed capacity coming from renewable sources. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission reported on Thursday that 15,384 megawatts of new generation went into service in 2014, and 49.9 percent of that came from wind, solar and… Keep reading →

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Eyed for Oil Drilling

Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge regained national attention over the weekend when the Obama administration announced plans to prevent oil and gas drilling along the coastal plain, which is expected to contain considerable hydrocarbon resources. Senator Lisa Murkowski and state officials vehemently oppose the action and are digging in for a fight. Murkowski, Gov. Bill… Keep reading →

Singapore's Shipping Port Records Strong Growth In 2013

When supplies of dry US natural gas swelled several years ago as companies honed their shale resource development skills, gas prices dramatically declined hitting a low of about $2 per million BTU. This caused natural gas producers to shift drilling operations into more liquids-rich areas and adjust their production more toward oil, which fetched higher… Keep reading →

Julia Gillard Visits Papua New Guinea - Day 2

The recent surprise drop in crude oil prices is having big impacts on international LNG prices and may cause a slowdown in the development of LNG export plants globally. LNG is liquefied natural gas, cooled to a temperature of -260° F, for the purpose of compression and transportation. International shipments of LNG by container ship… Keep reading →

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