Natural Gas

NASA's WISE Telescope Reveals Millions Of Black Holes

In March 2014, the Obama Administration released its ‘Climate Action Plan’ laying out a comprehensive, interagency strategy to cut methane emissions. The purpose of this plan is to help meet the president’s goal of reducing total US greenhouse gas emissions 17% below 2005 levels by 2020. In particular, the plan stresses the need for new… Keep reading →

Freezing Temperatures Continue To Grip The Country

Japanese utility Tohoku Electric announced an initial agreement to purchase 300,000 tons of LNG at Henry Hub-linked prices annually for 16 years starting in 2022 from the proposed Cameron LNG project. A Mitsubishi trading division with equity in the plant would supply the fuel if an FID is reached. [Reuters] New York Governor Andrew Cuomo… Keep reading →


At the recent staging of the Energy Storage Conference and Exhibition 2014 in Düsseldorf, Germany, more than 850 experts from politics, business and research representing 46 countries discussed the most recent worldwide developments in energy storage. At the accompanying exhibition with almost 70 stands, visitors were able to get information about the latest state-of-the-art technology and… Keep reading →

Lawmakers Continue To Negotiate State Budget As Gov. Prepares Layoffs

In the wake of the Ukraine crisis and amid heightened pressure on the Obama Administration to speed up the approval process for new liquefied natural gas (LNG) export plants, the geopolitical argument over LNG exports has gained traction in Congress as reflected in various already held committee hearings on the LNG export issue and drafted… Keep reading →

Google Developers Event Held In San Francisco

Google struck a deal for 407 MW of wind power – reportedly its largest clean energy contract to date – with MidAmerican Energy, a firm mostly owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway conglomerate. The power will be used at Google’s Iowa data center. “The deal includes both direct energy generation from MidAmerican’s wind farms and… Keep reading →

Obama Arrives Back To White House After Trip To Tennessee

The New York Times’ Coral Davenport tally’s the emissions numbers on Keystone XL which show the oil infrastructure project would likely have a limited impact on climate change. The anti-Keystone movement largely acknowledges this, but says the fact that presidential approval is required makes it a potent climate change symbol that indicates the United States’… Keep reading →

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

The story of the impact of oil and natural gas production story in Ohio is old – and new. Old in the sense the state was one of the country’s earliest producers of oil and natural gas. But also new, because development of the Utica Shale play in the past few years is responsible for… Keep reading →

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Gives Annual State Of State Address

New York Governor Cuomo yesterday announced awards totaling $4.3 million to 17 businesses that are helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation while increasing energy efficiency. “Transportation is responsible for three-fourths of the State’s fossil fuel use and 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Since 1996, NYSERDA has provided $93 million to 246 businesses performing… Keep reading →


Energy reform now underway in Mexico could create a new dynamic in North American energy production, offering new opportunities and risks in many sectors of the industry and expanding North America’s already burgeoning oil and gas production outlook. The result could be a more prosperous Mexico, with the energy sector helping to drive economic growth.… Keep reading →

Dalian Port In China

The project is a way from shovels in the ground, but UK-based independent Tullow Oil is working towards bringing the considerable oil resources it’s discovered in Kenya and Uganda to market, which will require an extremely long, heated pipeline to transport the waxy crude. [The Observer] As businesses continue to seize opportunities presented by currently… Keep reading →

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