Natural Gas

Israeli Navy Holds Training Exercise

Although scoring a direct hit would be difficult, Hamas fire against Israel’s offshore rigs could prove very significant given the crucial role gas plays in generating the country’s electricity. Earlier today, Hamas claimed to have fired two rockets at an Israeli natural gas installation located about nineteen miles off the coast of Gaza. The Israeli… Keep reading →

A trader shows with a pen, a graph illus

Last winter’s unusually harsh weather drew down natural gas storage inventories well below five-year average levels and left the industry assessing the degree to which producers would replenish inventories ahead of heating demand season. With summer drawing to a close and roughly 12 weeks of injections remaining before estimated peak storage, analysts are predicting where… Keep reading →

OPAL Pipeline To Connect To Baltic Sea

Calls for stricter economic sanctions against strategic Russian energy players are not universal among European Union countries, particularly those where Russian oil and gas dependence is most deeply entrenched. The degree to which various EU members support or oppose the South Stream Pipeline project illuminates those countries reluctant to distance themselves too far from vital… Keep reading →

Obama's New Proposed Regulations On Coal Energy Production Met With Ire Through Kentucky's Coal Country

A proposed coal export terminal in Oregon was denied a permit because the project would cause harm to tribal fisheries along the Columbia River. “Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber (D) applauded the state agency’s rejection of the permit, telling the Oregonian, ‘Columbia River tribes have fundamental rights to these fisheries,’ and any project that threatens those… Keep reading →


Following the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recent decision to emphasize the use of biogas in the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has come out with their own Biogas Opportunities Roadmap to promote biogas as a valuable form of renewable energy. The USDA is working together with the EPA, the Department… Keep reading →

EPA Administrator Testifies At Senate Hearing On Carbon Pollution Standards

Two months after EPA announced its proposal to limit carbon emissions from power plants, outlines of the coming legal battles are emerging. EPA’s rule would require states to limit power plant carbon emissions through a variety of system-wide “building block” measures, including plant improvements; increased deployment of natural gas, renewable and zero-carbon energy sources; and… Keep reading →

Merkel And Medvedev Inaugurate Nord Stream Gas Pipeline

Last week, the US and the EU hit Russia with a new sanctions regime in order to punish its continued meddling in destabilizing Eastern Ukraine. The economic restrictions are dubbed ‘Stage Three’ sanctions, indicating the increased level of severity meant to further ratchet up costs to the Russian economy. The sanctions now target Russian banking,… Keep reading →

Freezing Temperatures Continue To Grip The Country

The global LNG supply options are broadening with new LNG export projects – both under construction and proposed – mushrooming especially in Australia, the US, Canada, Papua New Guinea, Mozambique, Tanzania et cetera. Conceivably, a severe competition in the global LNG market is in the not so distant future. What impact this “golden age of… Keep reading →

Oil Boom Shifts The Landscape Of Rural North Dakota

The complex natural gas flaring issue associated with producing crude oil and other higher-value liquids from the Bakken Shale formation is back in the news as companies seek to address royalty payments owed for certain volumes of that flared gas. There appears to be some legal uncertainty regarding whether companies owe money to royalty owners… Keep reading →

Deadline Approaches For Grangemouth Dispute

This week is shaping up to be rough for the US coal industry. The EPA is holding hearings on plans to dramatically cut carbon-dioxide emissions released from US power plants and the Obama administration just published a report on the economic consequences of waiting to act on climate change. It’s enough to make one wonder… Keep reading →

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