Natural Gas

U.S. Government Releases Over $5 Billion In Aid For Home Heating Bills

Does it cost a fortune to heat your home? If you said yes, it’s worth noting that there are cheaper options. Check out these different ways to heat your home and how to go about installing these options. Natural Gas Furnace A natural gas furnace is a great alternative to oil furnaces. In fact, when… Keep reading →

freeport lng

The US Department of Energy today granted Freeport LNG two final authorizations to export natural gas to non-Free Trade Agreement countries. The ruling authorizes Freeport to export up to 1.8 billion cubic feet of LNG per day for 20 years. The DOE earlier this year changed its LNG permit approval process from a blanket first… Keep reading →


NET Power, a young company from Durham, NC recently announced they will construct the first of a kind natural gas fueled power generation system with zero air emissions and complete carbon capture. NET Power’s Allam Cycle technology combines oxy-fuel combustion with a supercritical CO2 turbine to create power generation at better efficiencies than natural gas… Keep reading →

Tropical Storm Arthur Threatens North Carolina's Outer Banks

When you consider how much of the globe is covered by water it’s easy to see why some say the future of oil & gas production lies offshore in ultra-deep water. But while hydrocarbons are likely to be found in these locations, projects built to extract them can be more challenging than some space missions… Keep reading →

China Daily Life - Construction

The US and China agreed to jointly cut carbon emissions in order to combat climate change, a historic pact that has many excited and many outraged. But China’s commitment to cap greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 means the country will need to build out power generation infrastructure in unprecedented ways. “That means building even more nuclear… Keep reading →

U.S. President Barack Obama Visits China

A very hopeful development, maybe even a game changer – by and large, that’s how climate-change activists were  greeting the surprising news out of Beijing of cooperation between the U.S. and China on capping and cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Back in Washington, Republicans, about to take control of both houses of Congress, were outraged. In a… Keep reading →

Wyoming biogas and fuel

Fuel cell proponents like to talk about how the devices can use biogas to create zero-carbon power, but that actually doesn’t happen very often. Typically, natural gas is the fuel that feeds the electrochemical process. Not so at the Microsoft Data Plant in Cheyenne, Wyoming, however. This data center was built alongside a wastewater treatment… Keep reading →

Life In Riyadh

Increasing domestic Saudi Arabian energy demand bumping up against volumes of oil available for export is an issue Breaking Energy has followed closely, and a new report from the International Energy Agency provides some updated detail on how the kingdom is addressing its energy dilemma. Renewable energy – primarily wind and solar – and nuclear… Keep reading →


Converting natural gas to liquid fuels using Fischer-Tropsch conversion is not a new idea but it has always been a big one, meaning it has always required very large and expensive production facilities. Royal Dutch Shell and South Africa’s Sasol have been the industry leaders in Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) for decades but their existing GTL plants… Keep reading →

marcellus output

Marcellus shale gas producer Range Resources reported record production of 1.2 billion cubic feet per day equivalent of natural gas, but getting that gas to higher-value markets is proving a bigger challenge than producing it. “Executives quoted forecasts showing that between mid-2015 and 2018, pipeline companies are expected to add 34 Bcf/d of midstream capacity.… Keep reading →

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