Home Heating

Manufacturing To Be A Key Election Issue

  Originally published on Livingstone Fireplaces.


This article is part of the Energy.gov series highlighting the “Top Things You Didn’t Know About…” series. Be sure to check back for more entries soon. 10. Geothermal technologies use the naturally occurring heat located in shallow ground, hot water and rock below the earth’s surface to generate electricity. Geothermal is considered a renewable source… Keep reading →

nrel bike earth day

  This Wednesday is Earth Day, which means you still have time to plan how to celebrate. What better way to observe the occasion than by making simple changes that will help you save money, conserve energy and reduce your environmental impact? Here are 10 small things you can do to save energy every day:… Keep reading →


To help you save money by saving energy, we launched #AskEnergySaver — an online series that gives you access to some of the Energy Department’s home energy efficiency experts. During 2014, experts from the Department and our National Labs are answering your energy-saving questions and sharing their advice on ways to improve your home’s comfort. Home heating and… Keep reading →

U.S. Government Releases Over $5 Billion In Aid For Home Heating Bills

Does it cost a fortune to heat your home? If you said yes, it’s worth noting that there are cheaper options. Check out these different ways to heat your home and how to go about installing these options. Natural Gas Furnace A natural gas furnace is a great alternative to oil furnaces. In fact, when… Keep reading →

Tropical Storm Arthur Threatens North Carolina's Outer Banks

In 2012, the average American family spent 2.7 percent of their household income on home energy bills. While this might not sound like a lot, it adds up to almost $2,000 a year in energy costs. And much of that energy — 20 percent or more — is wasted on things like air leaks, poor insulation, and inefficient heating… Keep reading →

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