Carbon Tax?

Obama's New Proposed Regulations On Coal Energy Production Met With Ire Through Kentucky's Coal Country

One of the many issues in the current Presidential campaign involves the question of whether to pursue a tax on carbon emissions.

Russian Gas Supplies Through Ukraine Turned Off

In response to the deadly natural gas explosion in San Bruno, California, the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is proposing new regulations to make pipelines safer. The regulations will go a long way toward safeguarding communities from the risks of natural gas explosions, but, if they’re done right, they could also protect… Keep reading →

Congressional Energy Roundup

Congress Reconvenes After Midterm Elections

Fracking Insider Readers: Below, please find this week’s Congressional activity on oil and gas issues

Domestic Oil And Gas Production

The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) annual energy conference is under way in Washington, D.C.  Here are a few highlights from the first slate of speakers, which included John Holdren, assistant to the president for science and technology, and Gregory Goff, Tesoro Corporation president and CEO. Holdren went first, saying that the driver of technology… Keep reading →

Germany Expands Its Electricity Grid

Modernizing power delivery – particularly in a time of rapidly expanding populations and rising costs of a reliable power supply – encompasses more than replacing old components with new. The investments will need to address integration of larger shares of renewable energy while delivering on higher levels of reliability and resilience that are demanded by… Keep reading →


When it comes to making actual progress on climate through the reduction of carbon emissions, basically there are two groups: talkers and doers. Talkers spend much of their time filibustering on the need to reduce emissions through central government planning – bureaucratic programs, new layers of regulation, onerous pricing mechanisms and more – while criticizing… Keep reading →

Kuwait Promises To Increase Oil Production In Case  Of War

Compelling video interview earlier this month with Chevron Chairman and CEO John S. Watson by the Wall Street Journal – headlined the “Morality of Oil”:   This is especially timely, given the claims of some industry opponents that affordable, reliable, portable energy somehow isn’t a public good, despite some important facts to the contrary: Leading… Keep reading →

Obama To Deliver Major Climate Change Speech

As the days are getting longer and the weather is warming up, kids across the country are counting down the days until summer vacation. California state lawmakers, on the other hand, are rolling up their sleeves and building upon California’s strong foundation of clean energy leadership and momentum. With the electricity sector responsible for about… Keep reading →

U.S. President Barack Obama Visits China

The U.S. and China have announced plans to sign the international climate change agreement reached in Paris last December.

Tighter Fuel Efficiency Standards For Medium And Heavy-Duty Vehicles Announced By Obama

IN 2014 ALONE, ALL ENERGY STAR PARTNERS PREVENTED 283 MILLION METRIC TONS OF GHG EMISSIONS, PROVIDING $31.5 BILLION IN ECONOMIC BENEFITS   WASHINGTON — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are honoring 149 businesses and organizations in 35 states for their commitment to saving energy and protecting the environment… Keep reading →

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