Fossil Fuels

Anniversary Of Nuclear Disaster At Three Mile Island Marked Near The Site

  “The nation that harnesses the power of clean, renewable energy will be the nation that leads the 21st century”… President Obama, 2010 By 2050 fusion will be the source of most of the world’s energy. This is not wishful thinking, it is simply a way of stating that all other forms of energy that… Keep reading →

UK's First Large-Scale Desalination Plant In Operation

In parched California, desalination of seawater is becoming an increasingly attractive option for potable water. In Saudi Arabia, more than two dozen desal plants already provide some 70 percent of the water used in cities. Australia, too, has in recent years embraced salt removal as a path to assuring the availability of drinking water. You… Keep reading →

Climate Protection - Photo Illustrations

Coal consumption has been increasing in past months as natural gas prices pushed upwards and coal stocks dipped lower. With natural gas the peak-load fuel of choice for many utilities, base load summer cooling could be powered by lots of comparatively cheaper coal – with gas peaker plants firing up when demand surges and thus… Keep reading →


This is the first in a series of posts about leading women in the power, environmental science, advocacy, policy, and business sectors. Pull back the curtain on climate leadership, and you’ll see women in power. From the author of the country’s leading clean car standards, to the top administrator of the most ambitious climate policy in the nation (California’s AB32), to… Keep reading →

Center For American Progress Hosts 10th Anniversary Conference

John Podesta replaced Heather Zichal as the Obama administration’s energy and climate guru last year in a move that pleased many in the environmental community given Podesda’s green credentials and opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. But he recently spoke out against the notion that US fossil fuel consumption can be shutdown overnight without disproportionately… Keep reading →


Energy infrastructure is inconsistently distributed worldwide. As a result, much of the global population is without access to affordable electricity. This issue has been at the forefront of discussions surrounding energy, development, and social justice. President Obama started the Power Africa initiative last year and the UN continues to promote the Sustainable Energy for All campaign.… Keep reading →

China Plans New Energy Strategy

Three years ago, Beijing residents started hoarding iodine salt. Stores sold out of the commodity within days and those with extra supplies jacked up prices to take advantage of the frantic demand. China had not developed a sudden taste for salty foods. Instead, a frightened populace was trying to protect itself against any radiation blown… Keep reading →

86th Annual Academy Awards - Show

We’ve increasingly seen celebrities voice their views on energy-related issues and recent Academy Award winner Jared Leto just joined the crowd when he signed an open letter to Secretary of State John Kerry urging him to recommend Keystone XL pipeline permit disapproval to President Obama. The dramatic letter compares Kerry’s Keystone decision to his 1971… Keep reading →

Japan Shows Economic Recovery Sign

During his first stint as prime minister in 2006, Prime Minister Abe’s Nuclear Energy National Plan from December 2006 talked about a “re-recognition of the importance of energy security in industrialized nations” with the direction of energy policy not being “Nuclear energy “OR” Renewable energy but Nuclear energy “AND” Renewable energy.” As a previous article… Keep reading →

Global Green USA's Millennium Awards Benefiting The Places, The People And The Planet In Need

Billionaire hedge fund manager turned climate activist Tom Steyer is marshalling resources to help democrats maintain the Senate during this year’s midterm elections, with climate change as a major electoral issue. He’s putting $100 million toward the cause, but some question whether that’s enough to counter the more than $400 million the Koch brothers’ empire… Keep reading →

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