
Woodland Near Bramshill in Hampshire

An ancient fern whose growth was influential in cooling the planet after an earlier runaway warming period is being studied around the world for everything from a food source to a filter to a possible climate change mitigation agent. Scientists believe a fern called Azolla sucked up about half the available CO2 in the atmosphere… Keep reading →

Nuclear Power Plants Tighten Their Security

With a Senate vote on two nominees for commissioners of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) pending, there is unprecedented attention on this obscure regulator of interstate pipelines and electricity transmission. In 2005, Congress granted FERC additional authority to regulate electric grid reliability and security, but too often FERC has accommodated industry rather than enforce… Keep reading →


With the recent EPA proposal concerning strict carbon levels from existing power plants, owners with facilities out of compliance generally have three options – retrofit to meet emissions standards, convert to an alternative fuel or close the plant. While natural gas conversion is a strong option for some plants, another alternative is either biomass cofiring or making… Keep reading →

The Euro Comes Under Increasing Pressure

FERC has been shifting the terminology used to describe electricity consumers from “ratepayers” to “customers,” which better reflects current realities in the evolving utility industry. “The journey away from “ratepayer” starts when thinking about the utility as a provider of energy efficiency, demand response and other demand-side management techniques. When the utility is partly in… Keep reading →

A picture taken on June 05, 2010 shows t

There is a great deal of focus on the US LNG export permitting process, with many LNG export proponents grumbling about delays in receiving required approval from the Department of Energy and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. And while there are legitimate issues associated with obtaining necessary permits – primarily delays in the process can impede… Keep reading →

Wincono Wind Farm In Larnaca Cyprus

The monthly Energy Infrastructure Update from the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has become a favorite of renewable energy advocates the past few years, often showing a large proportion – and sometimes virtually all – of new electrical generation capacity coming from renewables. There wasn’t much to crow about in April, however, and one-third of… Keep reading →

200 Miners Trapped Underground After Fire In Mine

As the death toll in a coal mine explosion in the western Turkish town of Soma climbs toward 300, devastated workers and residents are lashing out at the country’s leadership. Widespread protests have broken out in several cities as people blame the government for prioritizing profit over safety. Numerous coal mining operations have been privatized,… Keep reading →


A famous criminal defense lawyer was asked about how to hire a lawyer for a criminal defense case. Imagine, he was asked, that a relative was charged with a serious crime in a place where he didn’t know anyone. How would he go about finding a lawyer for his friend? The answer — hire the… Keep reading →

Fuel Shortage Eases A Bit In South China

Malaysian state company Petronas has agreed to sell a 15% stake in its proposed Pacific NorthWest LNG export facility to be sited in British Columbia, and a 15% stake in the upstream shale assets designated to feed the plant to Chinese state-controlled Sinopec. Taking a page from Japan’s LNG supply playbook, which has companies secure… Keep reading →

NASA's WISE Telescope Reveals Millions Of Black Holes

In March 2014, the Obama Administration released its ‘Climate Action Plan’ laying out a comprehensive, interagency strategy to cut methane emissions. The purpose of this plan is to help meet the president’s goal of reducing total US greenhouse gas emissions 17% below 2005 levels by 2020. In particular, the plan stresses the need for new… Keep reading →

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