Climate Change

pope francis

It looks like those who dispute the necessity for action on climate change will now have to take on one of the world’s most popular figures: Pope Francis.  “Humanity is called to take note of the need for changes in lifestyle and changes in methods of production and consumption to combat this warming, or at… Keep reading →

coal mining spider thing

The global coal industry continues to expand with new coal-fired power plants planned or being built throughout the developing world, especially in Asia where coal remains the preferred low-cost fuel option for power generation. Building up coal mining operations, constructing new coal-fired power plants and developing infrastructure requires billions of dollars in initial investments. Where… Keep reading →

China Daily Life - Pollution

The recent downturn in China’s coal use and carbon emissions, noted in this space a few weeks ago, might be more than an anomaly brought on by weaker growth in key sectors and robust hydropower from above-normal rain. That’s the assessment from two London School of Economics researchers, who see a hopeful “new normal” that includes… Keep reading →

lindsey graham

Lindsey Graham has had a bit of a confused relationship with climate change. In 2009, he joined with his then-Senate colleagues John Kerry and Joe Lieberman in crafting a climate bill, only to withdraw his support when it came time to make a big push for it. But it looks like Candidate Graham – he announced… Keep reading →

Ineos Chemical Brine Purification Plant

As a theoretical construct, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) seemingly has a lot to offer. Foremost, it would allow mankind to continue the uninhibited burning of fossil fuels while at the same time ‘saving’ the climate by ‘removing’ CO2 emissions from the atmosphere – the latter being the main reason why CCS is frequently mentioned… Keep reading →


Natural gas can deliver substantial carbon emissions reductions when displacing coal, and the United States has taken good advantage of it in the past several years. But the U.S. experience might be “one moment in time and space,” says Stockholm Environment Institute senior scientist Michael Lazarus, lead author of a new paper [PDF] on gas and… Keep reading →

NATO Supply Trucks Remain Marooned At Karachi Port

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) recently called for “climate proofing” – to borrow a term used by Preety Bhandari, who heads ADB’s Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Unit – low-lying or coastal cities in Asia requiring the trifecta of sound integrated planning, adequate resources and political commitment. “The battle against climate change is likely… Keep reading →

dark matter

Fundamental scientific research lies at the heart of many energy-related breakthroughs that ultimately disrupt established social and economic systems. It can be overwhelming to look at the world’s looming energy and climate challenges, but Dr. Franklin (Lynn) Orr, Under Secretary for Science and Energy at the US Department of Energy remains optimistic despite the complexity… Keep reading →

Graduation Day At HHL Business School

A new Thomson Reuters/BSD Consulting “Global 500 Greenhouse Gas Report: The Fossil Fuel Energy Sector” shows that energy companies emitted 31 per cent of total GHG emissions globally from their operations as well as the use of the products further down the value chain on an annual basis. As the title of this study indicates,… Keep reading →


There’s more trouble for carbon capture and more trouble for Southern Company, the big Atlanta-based utility holding company: South Mississippi Electric Power Association backed out of its plan to pump $600 million into the Kemper County Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Project in Mississippi for a 15 percent stake. Fitch reacted quickly. Fitch will review the ratings and Outlook for… Keep reading →

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