
Brown Bear Cubs Born In Wildlife Park

As increasing numbers of renewable energy generation facilities are installed in the U.S., the realities of their operational impacts have sometimes been surprising. While renewables in general, and solar power in particular, have been touted as generally benign with regard to environmental impacts, some solar projects that have recently been placed in service reveal that… Keep reading →

OPAL Pipeline To Connect To Baltic Sea

While natural gas pipeline expansion remains a critical part of building today’s U.S. infrastructure, it would appear that the announcement of numerous pipeline projects has calmed the anxiety of the industry, as attention is now focused on securing regulatory approvals for the proposed projects. According to the 2015 Black & Veatch Strategic Directions: U.S. Natural… Keep reading →

Albanian power utility workers repair th

Utilities are entering a new era of customer engagement, spawned by the growing connected device market. To be successful and sustainable, utilities should focus on creating a simple and personalized dialogue with each customer – a concept that could be described as the “Customer of One.” Technology plays a pivotal role in this manner and… Keep reading →

Russian Gas Supplies Through Ukraine Turned Off

As natural gas providers deal with the combination of aging infrastructure and safety, one of the most important factors emerging is the vital role of reliable data and recordkeeping as a means of preserving system resiliency. Recordkeeping is a key issue in measuring a pipeline infrastructure’s life cycles and managing associated risks, according to Jeff… Keep reading →

A liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker arr

In the past decade, the North America LNG market has been subject to significant periods of volatility, and the past year is a prime example. U.S. LNG developers recognize that the market is now “tapping the brakes” from one year ago when it comes to the export market, but they still remain optimistic about the… Keep reading →

Russian Gas Supplies Through Ukraine Turned Off

The vast majority of natural gas local distribution companies (LDCs) are optimistic about the industry’s growth prospects between now and 2020. This confidence is displayed in their expansion activities across the United States – 42 percent of LDC survey respondents said their company had an active expansion program that had either received regulatory approval, is… Keep reading →


In the race to reduce carbon footprints and replace coal as a primary energy source, much has been made of an alleged “battle” between natural gas and renewables in the power generation industry. However, an astute market read — fueled by actions from utilities and regulatory agencies – may find the two sectors growing in… Keep reading →

Climate Protection - Photo Illustrations

In 1972, Christopher Stone, a Harvard law professor, proposed the thoughtful rationale “Should Trees Have Standing?” to explore the topic of potential rights of nature from a legal perspective. He opined that rivers and trees and other “objects” of nature have rights and that these should be protected by granting legal standing to guardians of… Keep reading →

Storms Ending Plum Rain Season In Shanghai

Cities across the globe have followed multiple tracks in their quest to become “smart.” It isn’t a question of right or wrong. However, two key themes are emerging in their approach – either start with a pilot project that produces quick results, or undertake a comprehensive master plan that strategically lays out the coming years… Keep reading →

Wind Turbines Erected Next To Europe's Biggest Coal Powered Power Station

In the race to reduce carbon footprints and replace coal as a primary energy source, much has been made of an alleged “battle” between natural gas and renewables in the power generation industry. However, an astute market read — fueled by actions from utilities and regulatory agencies – may find the two sectors growing in… Keep reading →

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