
EPA Administrator Testifies At Senate Hearing On Carbon Pollution Standards

Two months after EPA announced its proposal to limit carbon emissions from power plants, outlines of the coming legal battles are emerging. EPA’s rule would require states to limit power plant carbon emissions through a variety of system-wide “building block” measures, including plant improvements; increased deployment of natural gas, renewable and zero-carbon energy sources; and… Keep reading →

Merkel And Medvedev Inaugurate Nord Stream Gas Pipeline

Last week, the US and the EU hit Russia with a new sanctions regime in order to punish its continued meddling in destabilizing Eastern Ukraine. The economic restrictions are dubbed ‘Stage Three’ sanctions, indicating the increased level of severity meant to further ratchet up costs to the Russian economy. The sanctions now target Russian banking,… Keep reading →

Oyster Farmers Begin To Wind Down Operations After Feds End Nat'l Seashore Lease

In a story as much about political campaign finance as about oyster farming in Washington State, climate change, ocean acidification and business competiveness are major themes. “It used to be the canary in the coal mine,” Mr. [Gov. Jay] Inslee said in a recent interview. “Now it’s the oyster in the half shell. You can’t… Keep reading →

Deadline Approaches For Grangemouth Dispute

This week is shaping up to be rough for the US coal industry. The EPA is holding hearings on plans to dramatically cut carbon-dioxide emissions released from US power plants and the Obama administration just published a report on the economic consequences of waiting to act on climate change. It’s enough to make one wonder… Keep reading →

Obama's New Proposed Regulations On Coal Energy Production Met With Ire Through Kentucky's Coal Country

The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (known as the BRICS) recently met to launch a newly-created international fund called the New Development Bank (NDB). The BRICS represent roughly a fifth of the world economy and 40 percent of the global population. The NDB will have an initial capital pool of $50… Keep reading →

Neurath Power Plant Rated Germany's Biggest CO2 Emitter

Germany, the UK and Poland have the dirtiest coal plants in the EU, where the share of coal in power generation is currently around 25%. The IEA says EU coal-fired generation needs to be below 4% by 2035 to combat climate change. Germany exported a record amount of power in 2013 as it generated more… Keep reading →

National Clean Energy Summit 6.0 In Las Vegas

Billionaire activist Tom Steyer came under the microscope last week when the New York Times profiled his role in managing a fund that invested heavily in Australian coal. Now a climate change mitigation crusader and democratic funder, some have called Steyer’s former Wall Street activity his Achilles’ heel, but many in the environmental community rushed… Keep reading →

EPA Admin Gina McCarthy Announces New Regulations Under Obama's Climate Action Plan

The growing controversy over the degree to which environmental group Natural Resources Defense Council influenced EPA’s new carbon emission regulations for existing power plants ratcheted up today.  Coal lobby American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity blasted EPA for comments made in an internal memo – “obtained” by The Hill about the New York Times’ story that… Keep reading →

Obama's New Proposed Regulations On Coal Energy Production Met With Ire Through Kentucky's Coal Country

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed new carbon emission standards for fossil fuel power plants under the Clean Air Act (CAA). The rules for new-build power plants fall under Section 111(b) and are known as the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS). This should not be confused with Section 111(d) that regulates existing power plants.… Keep reading →

General Views Of Hazelwood Power Station

On June 23, the new Australian Government lead by Prime Minister Tony Abbott reintroduced a package of bills to repeal the Australian carbon tax. Dismantling the predecessor government’s carbon laws – including the Climate Change Authority and the mining tax – is regarded a top priority by PM Abbott and, therefore, has been placed on… Keep reading →

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