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Electric vehicles (EV) may be the silver bullet.

EV’s, a technology that could recharge the US economy, reduce its dependence on foreign imported oil, create domestic jobs, cut polluting carbon emissions, and eliminate noise pollution from traffic, were the topic of discussion last week at the US Senate Committee Hearing on Energy & Natural Resources. Keep reading →

It has not always been easy to defend the massive energy programs included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus.

Here the Department of Energy provides a detailed example of businesses that benefited from the energy efficiency funds include in the ARRA. The video focuses on St Paul in Minnesota, and has the unusual benefit, for a government video, of being short and to the point. Keep reading →

Problems abound for Pennsylvania’s electricity regulators.

Faced with aging power infrastructure, a mandate to boost use of renewable fuels, and a natural gas drilling boom in its midst, Pennsylvania’s Public Utility Commission has its work cut out for it in coming years. Keep reading →

The future is looking bright for nuclear power in the United States.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission‘s (NRC) executive director of operations, Bill Borchardt, said today he remains optimistic about the NRC’s ability to implement and monitor nuclear safety regulations. Keep reading →

Live tweeting: #NRC’s #Borchardt: we have carefully checked #nuclear plants and besides minor discrepancies they are prepared in case of disaster @AOLenergy

The future of nuclear energy post-Fukushima is a major outstanding question in the energy industry.

The need for reliable, large-scale electricity generation to replace steadily-retiring coal units and aging nuclear plants is obvious, and until earlier this year nuclear seemed like the best option. Keep reading →

The Fukushima blowout in Japan highlighted a less-known problem with nuclear generation: the economics storing spent cells.

Four experts are proposing new ways for nuclear waste storage to overcome the problem and actually make a profit. Keep reading →

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