Search results for: biomass

GOP Presidential Candidates Participate In Debate In Tampa

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry has announced four funding opportunities totaling up to $78 million to support early-stage bioenergy research and development under the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office. “The Department of Energy is focused on some of the most exciting research opportunities as well as… Keep reading →

Trump Administration Imposes Tariffs On Steel And Aluminum

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The international trade front has had some important developments over the last few weeks that will likely have significant impacts on the construction of domestic wind, solar, biomass and other types of renewable energy projects.

TREIA is a network of project developers, corporations, financial institution end-users, utilities, manufacturers, service providers, academia and government leaders working to scale renewable energy, grow the local economy, and create jobs. Our industry stakeholders are involved in solar, wind, biomass, biofuel, energy efficiency, geothermal, h…

U.S. Government Releases Over $5 Billion In Aid For Home Heating Bills

EPA is out with ethanol use requirements for 2018 under the Renewable Fuel Standard(RFS), and the big takeaway is that a broken program remains in place – its original purpose superseded by surging domestic oil production and U.S. consumers still at risk. The important numbers: 19.29 billion gallons: Ethanol, advanced biofuel, biomass-based diesel and cellulosic biofuel… Keep reading →

EPA Publishes Proposed 2018 RFS Requirements

New EPA Regulation To Cut Emissions From Coal-Fired Plants In US

On July 18, 2017, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published in the Federal Register its proposed rule on the Renewable Fuel Standard Program: Standards for 2018 and Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for 2019.

Internationally, nations are increasingly focused on easing their dependence on oil and natural gas for the things their inhabitants use the most: cars. However, upon investigation, it was found that Germany’s early plan of having all cars be electric in the coming years may actually have an adverse affect by creating even more pollution and emissions. In an… Keep reading →


As he settles into his final two years as California’s longest-serving Governor, Jerry Brown has limited time to finalize his energy and climate policy legacy. Meanwhile, with a new crop of state legislators and two new appointees at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), California has a fresh set of actors who will be actively… Keep reading →

Texas Oil Companies Work To Adapt To Falling Oil Prices

Fourteen months ago, during a U.S. Senate hearing on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), EPA was asked to explain how it decides how much ethanol will be blended into the nation’s fuel supply each year under the agency’s RFS authority. You can read about that conversation here, but the gist of the exchange is that… Keep reading →

ACI’s 7th Annual European Algae Industry Summit (formerly known as “European Algae Biomass Conference”) will take place on 26th & 27th April 2017 in Nice, France. The event will once again bring together senior executives from industry and academia to discuss the latest commercial and technical developments, challenges and…

solar installation

Funding rounds for off-grid solar continue to scale, as does the list of traditional energy companies as backers.  Nearly two months after solar lantern startup d.light design expanded its pay-as-you-go financing system for solar lanterns and home solar systems, the company has raised $22.5 million in a Series D debt and equity round to help… Keep reading →

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