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Coal Shortage Causes Short Supply Of Power in China

Duke Energy and Lee County natives in North Carolina are struggling to reach a settlement over disputed toxic ash produced from the burning of coal to harness electricity. “It leaves behind ash that can contain arsenic, selenium, boron and many other toxic substances.For decades, that ash simply has been buried in pits near the power… Keep reading →

How Microgrids Work

NREL Microgrid testing

WHAT IS A MICROGRID? A microgrid is a local energy grid with control capability, which means it can disconnect from the traditional grid and operate autonomously. HOW DOES A MICROGRID WORK? To understand how a microgrid works, you first have to understand how the grid works. The grid connects homes, businesses and other buildings to… Keep reading →

Battle Looms For Coastal Wetland In Southern California

The projections as to the near- and medium-term future of oil and gas prices are mixed – to say the least. Irrespective of the direction prices ultimately go, industry is faced with significant uncertainty and companies in all industry sectors are evaluating their businesses and how they can best manage the uncertainty.

Congress Reconvenes After Midterm Elections

  Influential constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe is arguing against the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan. Tribe, who once represented Al Gore, is scheduled to be a witness before the GOP controlled Energy and Commerce committee hearing. “Burning the Constitution should not become part of our national energy policy,” Tribe writes in his prepared testimony, in… Keep reading →


The energy industry – oil & gas sector in particular – is bracing itself for a massive wave of retirements over the short to medium term, which has been dubbed “The Great Shift Change.” As the industry prepares for this turnover, companies are looking to the next generation of candidates with skills ranging from finance, geology,… Keep reading →

Monitoring & Diagnostic Center_Atlanta

  Today GE announced its ‘predictive maintenance’ program driven by operational data from the company’s global fleet of more than 1,500 gas turbines helped decrease power plant downtime and saved customers an estimated $70 million in 2014. When a gas-fired power plant goes down due to a maintenance issue, that generation capacity must be replaced… Keep reading →

G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit

As negotiations intensify this month, Moscow will continue pursuing its own agenda. Diplomats from Iran and the P5+1 nations — the United States, Russia, Britain, China, France, and Germany — are rushing to conclude a nuclear agreement before the self-imposed March 24 deadline. While many details remain unavailable, the technical debate largely centers around the… Keep reading →


There were conflicting opinions emerging from the American and Iranian camps following the latest round of discussions at the nuclear summit in Switzerland when Sec. Ernest Moniz met with his Iranian counterpart. “In comments to the Iranian news media, Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said that 90 percent… Keep reading →

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  Imagine a home with windows that let in light but block the sun’s heat. Or a highly efficient heating and cooling system that also provides a home with all its water heating needs while using no additional energy. Energy efficient products like these are no longer fantasies for homeowners thanks to breakthroughs at the… Keep reading →

The sun sets behind the hills of the Son

On March 2, 2015, SolarCity Corporation (“SolarCity”) filed suit in the federal District Court for the District of Arizona against the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (“SRP”) alleging that SRP had violated federal and state antitrust laws and tortuously interfered with SolarCity’s business expectations by imposing a new pricing structure on customers intending to install rooftop solar systems.

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