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A picture shows the moon rising over the

German solar power output of 21.7 GW dropped to a low point of 6.2 GW and then added another 15 GW over the course of the planetary event.  During this week’s Energy Gang podcast, energy futurist Jigar Shah said that the March 20 solar eclipse would result in “nothing interesting” for the European electrical grid,… Keep reading →

Japan Commemorates 3rd Anniversary Of Great East Japan Earthquake

Four years ago, on March 11, 2011, a powerful earthquake triggered a massive tsunami that struck Japan’s northeastern Fukushima prefecture and led to a nuclear disaster – multiple reactor core meltdowns – at the Fukushima Daichi nuclear power plant. Unsurprisingly, that event prompted numerous national governments to reevaluate existing nuclear power plant safety regulations, with differing… Keep reading →

Sao Paulo Region Suffers From Extreme Drought

Atlanta, Texas, California! As drought has moved across the country, Americans have had to look out for their water supply. Empty reservoirs led to restrictions on use. In many places, lawns are being replaced by xeriscaping. In many California cities, strict watering schedules are being enforced. In Texas, California and Florida, many people developed rain… Keep reading →

Oil Rigs Undergo Repairs After Hurrican Katrina

BOEM Lease Sale 246 to Offer all Available Acreage in Western GOM for Oil and Gas Activity The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) accounts for the majority of oil and gas production on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). On March 2, 2015, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced that its proposed Gulf of Mexico… Keep reading →

President Obama Delivers State Of The Union Address

The Obama administration have imposed tighter restrictions on oil and gas fracking operations on public lands in an attempt to lower the risk of water contamination that has been chiefly behind the recent boom in U.S. energy production.”The regulations represent the administration’s most significant effort to tighten standards for hydraulic fracturing, a technique that helped… Keep reading →

Solar Energy Remains Popular For Private Homeowners

Solar water heaters — also called solar domestic hot water systems — can be a cost-effective way to generate hot water for your home. They can be used in any climate, and the fuel they use — sunshine — is free. HOW THEY WORK Solar water heating systems include storage tanks and solar collectors. There are two… Keep reading →

Power Surge: TCPA Litigation And The Energy Industry

Electric power lines

Few industries have been spared from the recent wave of class actions filed under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”). The energy sector is no exception.

Despite High Emissions, New Coal Power Plants Planned in Germany

Former Secretary of State George P. Shultz is urging climate change doubters to at least take out an insurance policy when it comes to carbon emissions and climate change. Shultz argues for sustained support for energy research and development along with a carbon tax. In an opinion piece in the Washington Post, Shultz described the… Keep reading →

Markets Rise On Economic Data

Industries Are Critical of Proposed Stricter Ozone Standards The Hill: Business groups are waging war on the Obama administration’s proposal to reduce ozone pollution, arguing the regulations would cripple the U.S. economy. In order to comply with the proposed rule, many areas of the country would have to all but shut down land development and… Keep reading →


Singapore’s goal of becoming Asia’s premier liquefied natural gas (LNG) trading hub is steadily unfolding. Earlier this month, Singapore’s Second Minister for Trade and Industry S. Iswaran said that the Singapore Energy Market Authority (EMA) received nine bids in December from suppliers hoping to become LNG aggregators in the city-state. The bids came after the… Keep reading →

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