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danko LIMPET

Doesn’t anyone remember LIMPET? Agucadoura? Despite what you might have read, the Carnegie Wave Energy project at Garden Island, off Perth, Australia, is not the world’s first grid-connected wave power station, nor the first grid-connected wave power array. The 500-kilowatt-rated LIMPET – that’s Land Installed Marine Power Energy Transmitter – commissioned in spring 2001 on… Keep reading →

As Default Deadline Nears, Congress Continues Debate Debt Ceiling Plan

Insight for Industry – U.S. Crude Oil Export Restrictions Cause Refining Mismatch and Light Oil Price Discount The dramatic increase in domestic oil production over the past decade – facilitated by drilling technology improvements – has rekindled the crude oil export debate. Allowing crude oil exports would provide an additional market for light crude derived… Keep reading →

texas wind

Georgetown, Texas is to be powered by 100% renewable energy as the state moves toward clean energy infrastructure despite prominent Republican Sen. Ted Cruz protecting the interests of the oil industry. “I was called an Al Gore clone, a tree-hugger,” says Jim Briggs, interim city manager of Georgetown, a community of about 50,000 people some… Keep reading →

Iguacu Falls A Finalist In New Seven Wonders Of Nature Contest

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Department of the Army for Civil Works announced today that the three agencies have extended their partnership to advance hydropower development for an additional five years. The renewal agreement signed today commits the agencies to a specific, ambitious agenda for hydropower, building… Keep reading →

The smoke stacks at American Electric Po


It’s Okay to hate solar. I don’t, but I can see why some people might. It is after all a form of insurance – and who likes insurance? Solar is our planet’s insurance policy. While technology can help hedge against the negative impacts on the environment as a result of climate change, solar does it… Keep reading →

Polar Vortex Weather System Brings Artic Temperatures Across Wide Swath Of U.S.

Amid the continuing public discussion over improving the safety of crude oil delivered by rail, it’s important that everyone – the energy industry, railroads, regulators, policymakers – stay focused on the facts and the science. This is key to making meaningful improvements to freight rail transportation – which already delivers 99.998 percent of materials like… Keep reading →


Breaking Energy is hosting our first “Energy Startup Forum and Mixer,” which brings together clean energy industry experts, editors and members of the finance and legal communities to speak frankly about the energy startup space, New York’s clean energy landscape and to answer attendees’ questions about the industry. We love the one-on-one time with panelists,… Keep reading →

Beijing  Implements EU IV Emissions Standards Ahead of the 2008 Olympic Games

  A state-owned Chinese oil major has been caught violating provincial and local environmental laws. The size of the fine incurred however, points to evidence that these mega energy companies still have more sway within the country than local laws and government officials tasked to enforce those laws. Late last week, Chinese media reported that… Keep reading →


Continued low oil prices keep the leaders of many oil-producing states awake at night, but few feel the pressure as keenly as Nigerian authorities. Dienzani Alison-Madueke, Nigeria’s oil minister and current OPEC president, pled for an emergency meeting to discuss oil production cuts last month. Though such a meeting is unlikely to occur, Alison-Madueke’s proposed… Keep reading →

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