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Lazards Merchant Bank Issues Report On Time Warner

  Analysts are beginning to question whether Carl Icahn has taken on an insurmountable challenge by investing heavily in Chesapeake Energy. “The company made its second big cut in capital spending in the last month, highlighting the grinding toll that low oil and gas prices are taking on energy stocks—and how tough it will be… Keep reading →


It’s Women’s History Month on During the month of March we’re highlighting the great contributions to science, technology, engineering and mathematics or STEM fields made by women throughout history, as well as taking a look at fascinating work that women are doing in STEM fields today. Emmy Noether was a groundbreaking German mathematician who… Keep reading →

BLM Issues First Federal Regulations For Hydraulic Fracturing

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

On Thursday, March 26, 2015, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) published in the Federal Register the Final Rule on hydraulic fracturing on federal and Indian lands.

Tanker Carries Shipment Of Post War Oil From Iraq

Add the heft of Rice University’s respected Center for Energy Studies to the weight of scholarly analysis urging an end to America’s four-decades-old ban on domestic crude oil exports. In a new study, the center lays out a case for U.S. crude oil exports that builds on the findings of IHS, ICF, Brookings, the Aspen… Keep reading →

HUSUM 2012 Wind Energy Trade Fair

Global growth in renewable energy sources – especially wind and solar PV installations – continues to break records while the installed capacity of these systems steadily increases. Wind and solar power still account for a small share of the overall power generation mix, but the growth of these energy sources continues to impress analysts and… Keep reading →

Vote-A-Rama Reveals Senators’ Environmental Agenda

Congress Struggles With Funding Repairs To U.S. Capitol Dome

It’s been a big news day in the U.S. Senate, with Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid announcing he won’t run for another term. But that’s not the only news. We have had our eyes on the Senate’s marathon “Vote-a-Rama” budget process that wrapped up around three-thirty this morning. A number of environmental and energy votes… Keep reading →

Markets Surge Into Positive Gains For Year

The Dow Jones industrial average rose into positive territory for the year after a difficult stretch for the market last week.”Traders welcomed a government report showing that consumer spending and incomes rose in February. Another report hinted at strong start to the spring buying season.Energy stocks were among the biggest gainers, bucking a slide in… Keep reading →

Senate Holds Confirmation Hearing For Ernest Moniz For Energy Secretary

“We warmly welcome the announcement by the Government of Mexico on new greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. The commitment Mexico has made today sends a strong signal of Mexico’s determination to do its share in helping the world reduce emissions globally; it stands as an example for countries around the world to follow as they… Keep reading →

Polar Vortex Weather System Brings Artic Temperatures Across Wide Swath Of U.S.

General Images Of Electric Vehicle Recharging And Battery Changing Station In Beijing

Japanese giant could help startup compete with Stem, Tesla, others in burgeoning energy storage market.  GTM Research predicts that behind-the-meter batteries could expand to make up nearly half of the rapidly growing U.S. energy storage market by decade’s end — and there’s also great potential for international growth in solar-rich and energy-constrained countries like Germany… Keep reading →

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