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Preliminary Draw of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil - Previews

Brazil’s federal government appears to be dedicating serious effort – at long last – to developing the country’s solar industry. Although Brazil has a population of nearly 200 million, it only has 42 MW of cumulative installed capacity. For the sake of comparison, that level of capacity is roughly on par with the state of… Keep reading →

German Electricity Grid Insufficient For New Energy Needs

Microgrids are not so micro anymore.  When a traditional infrastructure asset investor like Stonepeak Partners is ready to bankroll microgrids with a $250 million finance facility, it’s a sign of the mainstreaming of grid modernization. Energizing Co. will be the sole project developer for the $250 million Stonepeak fund focused on microgrids and grid modernization.… Keep reading →

Exxon Valdez Oil Disaster-15 Years Later

President Obama has come under criticism over his plans to open up vast, untouched Arctic waters to oil and gas production while pursuing an ambitious plan to fight climate change. “As the first president to seriously tackle climate change, Mr. Obama has proposed aggressive new rules to cut planet-warming carbon emissions from the nation’s power plants… Keep reading →

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

#AskEnergySaver: Answering Your Fuel Efficiency Questions


On-road vehicles account for nearly 60 percent of total U.S. oil consumption and more than a quarter of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, the major contributor to climate change. Taking small steps to improve vehicle fuel efficiency can go a long way to lowering the amount you pay at the pump and reducing your environmental… Keep reading →

Energy & Environment Update – May 2015

As Default Deadline Nears, Congress Continues Debate Debt Ceiling Plan

The Senate is in session this week while House members are on a scheduled district work period. While the lower chamber is away, the Senate is likely to consider the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, the Conference Report to the fiscal year 2016 budget, and other measures.

ipcc charts

He’s hardly the first right-of-center energy thinker to come out in favor of a carbon tax, but Jerry Taylor’s story puts a more provocative spin on things: He was a longtime Cato Institute fellow who for years rejected the idea that climate change represented a well-understood, urgent threat, or that it was clear what impact man… Keep reading →

San Francisco Career Fair Helps Military Veterans Find Jobs

The energy industry – oil & gas sector in particular – is bracing itself for a massive wave of retirements over the short to medium term, which has been dubbed “The Great Shift Change.” As the industry prepares for this turnover, companies are looking to the next generation of candidates with skills ranging from finance, geology,… Keep reading →

National Renewable Energy Lab Tests Green Energies In Colorado

Global investment in renewable energy sources in 2014 rose almost 17 percent year-on-year to $270.2 billion with investments in developing countries growing by 36 percent, finds a new UNEP Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2015 report prepared by the Frankfurt School-UNEP Centre in collaboration with Bloomberg (BNEF). Overall, the research underscores the positive role… Keep reading →

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Meets Woodside CEO Peter Coleman

Last-ditch campaign promises and bruising coalition negotiations have led Netanyahu to form a fragile government that may have trouble handling important domestic issues and foreign relationships. The next Israeli government, the fourth led by Binyamin Netanyahu, is slated to be formally established in the coming week. It will consist of 61 members, the barest majority… Keep reading →

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