
Coal Mine Expansion Threatens Villages

Germany’s massive build out of renewable power generation resources and simultaneous nuclear power phase out has resulted in a difficult situation where coal use and customers’ electric bills are rising. The country’s new energy minister, Sigmar Gabriel, discussed these issues in a policy speech on Tuesday. Read Breaking Energy coverage of the German energy situation… Keep reading →


In the last week of December, the New York Public Service Commission issued an Order that signals big changes coming soon to New York’s electric utility landscape.  The Commission made it clear that it wants clean energy resources, including on-site, distributed power generation (such as solar PV), energy efficiency and energy load management strategies, to play a… Keep reading →

Positive Earnings Reports Push Stocks Higher

    There are some words in the business world that become swiftly debased: innovation and cleantech are, along with “crowd” anything, are among the worst of recent offenders. But that doesn’t mean that any of these terms fail to represent meaningful concepts for  energy sector decision-makers, and if anything participants in energy business decision… Keep reading →

Coal Mine Expansion Threatens Villages

The Energy Information Administration released a statement Monday projecting 2013’s CO2 emission’s rates to be 2% higher than the emissions in 2012. This comes on the heels of a decrease in emissions in 2012. The EIA attributes this increase to renewed coal consumption in the electricity power sector in 2013. The Obama administration retains the… Keep reading →


Wind energy is one of the world’s fast-growing energy sources — and many of the regions that could benefit from wind energy happen to be in cold climates. Since 2005, scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been researching, developing and testing materials in freezing conditions. By developing more efficient materials for wind turbines, researchers… Keep reading →

Moon Appears Bigger And Brighter, As Its Closer To Earth Than Normal

Enbridge’s 110 MW Texas wind project will deliver electricity to the ERCOT market under a 20-year agreement with Microsoft Corporation. On January 6, 2014, Canada’s Enbridge Inc. announced an agreement with Renewable Energy Systems Americas Inc. (RES Americas) to construct the Keechi Wind Project, a 110 MW wind energy project in Texas, at a cost… Keep reading →

Portrait of a technician

Over the past several years, a combination of market forces and targeted policies has brought about enormous growth in clean energy technologies around the United States. A clean energy economy has developed around these new technologies, creating tens of thousands of homegrown jobs each year. Despite the industry’s initial surge, recent economic uncertainty has led… Keep reading →


To see that the clean energy economy is creating jobs in communities across the United States, look no further than the Energy Department’s recent Revolution Now report — which shows rapidly falling prices and rising deployment of clean and renewable technologies. Thanks to federal and private sector investments, clean energy technologies like wind power, solar, LED lighting and… Keep reading →


Over the last five years, American inventors and investors have delivered significant progress in developing and deploying key clean energy technologies, supported by Administration policies.  Electricity production from solar and wind has doubled.  Our cars and trucks go further on a gallon of gasoline, saving families money at the pump.  And in 2012, U.S. carbon… Keep reading →

Wisconsin Lawmakers To Debate Bill That Would Cripple Wind Energy In State

Last year, the US wind industry Production Tax Credit was scheduled to expire at the end of December and the news media was all over it. The PTC is also scheduled to expire that the end of this year, but the issue is getting much less attention, why is that? Senator Don Nickles, who served… Keep reading →

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