
South Sudan Celebrates First Anniversary Of Their New Nation

The conflict between North and South Sudan is rapidly deteriorating amid talk of war. The South last Friday and Saturday reportedly shut in 900 oil wells and signed a deal with Kenya to construct a new pipeline that would divert exports away from the North. “What the South will pay to ship oil north to… Keep reading →


In this August 2013 photo, Pete Johnson of Gemini Rope Access Solutions rappels down a 3 megawatt Alstom wind turbine, just having finished inspecting the blades above him. The turbine was undergoing testing at NREL’s National Wind Technology Center in Boulder, Colorado. Photo courtesy of Dennis Schroeder, NREL.

Few Jobs Than Expected Added To Labor Market In January

Mandates that require utilities to generate renewable energy can be satisfied by physically owning the assets and generating power from distributed sources like wind and solar, or by purchasing renewable energy certificates from other who generate power from renewables. This creates markets that vary by state depending on local mandates and regulations. REC trading in… Keep reading →

Wisconsin Lawmakers To Debate Bill That Would Cripple Wind Energy In State

The 2014 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook was produced for The Business Council for Sustainable Energy by Bloomberg New Energy Finance and “found that renewable energy, natural gas and energy efficiency advancements are leading a transformation of America’s energy,” according to a BNEF statement. This infographic highlights findings from the research that include the increasing… Keep reading →

Nick Clegg Opens Offshore Wind Farm

  A 30-megawatt offshore wind pilot project will use 5 floating turbines to generate electric power routed back to the mainland in Coos Bay, Oregon. “We’re not as anxious to commercialize it, but it’s still worth getting the projects into the water and testing them,” said Belinda Batten, director of the Northwest National Marine Renewable… Keep reading →


During the State of the Union address, President Obama laid out his vision for the year ahead — calling it a year of action and highlighting how he will create opportunities to help American families succeed. Here at the Energy Department, we’re working to achieve the President’s goals by growing the clean energy economy — helping families… Keep reading →

President Obama Delivers State Of The Union Address At U.S. Capitol

We saw an interesting evolution of Barack Obama as an energy president on display last night in his fifth official State of the Union address. You might say the president got real. He was more emphatic than ever about the reality of climate change. He let his affection for natural gas blossom into a full-fledged love… Keep reading →


The Energy Department’s National Labs are leading the way in science and innovation by developing the next generation of clean energy technologies. To help drive this innovation, the scientists at the National Labs use some of the most cutting-edge facilities in the world — some of which are also available for use by other government agencies, private companies and… Keep reading →

Senate Resumes Deliberations On FY2014 Budget Resolution

As Beltway types rush to make their opinions known on Senator Max Baucus’ energy tax revision proposals before a response deadline at the end of this month, financiers are scrambling to get deals together that can support renewable energy projects already underway. Tax policy has been a major component of energy policy in the US… Keep reading →


Last year, the trade association for the utility industry, the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), published a whitepaper on the disruptive challenges facing the utility industry.  In summary, EEI’s thesis was that the existing utility business model (centralized, fossil-fuel based generation) is under threat from on-site, distributed generation as more customers switch to cleaner, and often cheaper, solar power.  The… Keep reading →

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