
Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

On April 14, 2016, the Department of the Interior (DOI), through the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), released a final rule establishing requirements for certain offshore oil and gas drilling.

Battle Looms For Coastal Wetland In Southern California

Americans in the building construction trades know the importance of new energy infrastructure. Building things is what they do. In recent years they’ve recognized the value of partnering with the oil and natural gas industry on infrastructure projects to deliver energy, create jobs and boost the economy – all benefits of America’s ongoing energy revolution.… Keep reading →

New Combined Electricity Project Connect Spain and France

The electricity industry is changing. At least 50% of customers have the option to purchase renewable electricity directly from their power supplier, and everyone has the option of purchasing renewable energy certificates. Such power is sometimes referred to as “green power” or “clean power.” In most states, you can buy clean power through one or… Keep reading →

Renewable Energy Update – April 2016 #3

Cleveland's COOPs

In a 10-2 vote this Wednesday, the California Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee passed A.B. 2460, a bill that would expand consumer incentives for rooftop solar thermal technologies.

Tanker Carries Shipment Of Post War Oil From Iraq

Take a look at details of API’s energy policy recommendations to the two political parties from this week’s Vote4Energy event. They include access to oil and natural gas resources and an approach to oversight that fosters the goal of safe and responsible energy development. Access is critically important, especially when you’re talking about developing offshore… Keep reading →

California Power Grid Strained By Heat Wave

California has a nice problem: It’s producing so much clean solar energy that the state’s electric grid is at capacity, and sometimes beyond. As Vox’s David Roberts reports in his excellent piece about California’s grid headache, it makes good sense to expand the system by interconnecting state-run energy markets. But he also notes, at the… Keep reading →

Our Candidate: Energy

Domestic Oil And Gas Production

There’s a candidate in the 2016 campaign that’s a true unifier, a candidate reflecting the views of an overwhelming number of Americans and one that’s capable of being a sturdy bridge between Washington’s partisan interests: Energy. As the 2016 general election campaign season approaches, API this week unveiled its energy policy recommendations for the platform-writing… Keep reading →

Manufacturing To Be A Key Election Issue

The New York Times published an important analysis last week, recognizing something critically important: the reality that a nation with an advanced, growing economy may also see its carbon emissions decline. Last year the International Energy Agency (IEA) found that in 2014, for the first time in 40 years, as global GDP grew, global carbon… Keep reading →

California Power Grid Strained By Heat Wave

Electricity markets around the world are transforming from a model where electricity flows one way (from electricity-generating power plants to the customer) to one where customers actively participate as providers of electric services. But to speed this transformation and maximize its environmental and cost benefits, we need to understand how customer actions affect the three… Keep reading →

Rapeseed Blooms Across The UK

We can sum up new polling on Americans’ perceptions of the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and its potential impact on their lives in a word: concerned. Make that very concerned – about potential damage to their vehicles, about the broad economic effects of breaching the ethanol “blend wall” and about diverting corn away from… Keep reading →

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