
China has an innovation in the jet-fuel industry – waste kitchen oil from restaurants will be used to mass- produce jet fuel. While this technology may seem like something out of The Jetsons, it is one step closer to reality. Next year, a major state-owned refiner will begin construction on a production plant for these… Keep reading →

A breakthrough in the renewable energy industry may hold the solution to eliminating carbon emissions, while also creating new sources of clean energy. The potential revelation comes from scientists working in China and the United States in the form of a system that recaptures carbon-dioxide pollution for use in a storage system. Energy storage has… Keep reading →

Energy-Efficient Home3Having an energy-efficient home is more affordable than ever before with new options continually being introduced in the market. The long-term benefits are positive not only for individual consumers, but also for the nation and the global environmental.

The following choices are not only affordable, but they are also an investment for the well-being of our planet.

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Two explosive growth markets are renewable energy (RE) and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and both play a crucial role in creating value. The emphasis on how software and analytics can drive energy savings along with renewable energy and energy conservation measures (ECM) will be examined.  Companies, like Arkados, exist that operate in the solar (through its recently announced acquisition of SolBright Renewable Energy), LED lighting, and IoT markets.

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Texas Oil Companies Work To Adapt To Falling Oil Prices

Last week the California Air Resources Board unanimously voted to finalize new regulations to reduce oil and gas methane emissions. This is the first major environmental regulation that has been issued since the new Administration took office, and sends a clear message that states aren’t going to take the new administrations attacks on the environment… Keep reading →

Wastewater: The Best Hidden Energy Source You’ve Never Heard Of

It’s no secret that the world’s need for energy is increasing—but what many don’t realize is that a promising potential energy source is being flushed down our toilets every day. Increasingly, this wastewater—as well as other organic waste from sources like gardens and kitchens—is being used to heat homes, provide electricity, and even power cars.… Keep reading →

As India’s summer intensifies, many states are already in the midst of a drought—and the hottest days have yet to arrive. At the same time, water-intensive agriculture, rapid urban expansion, increases in industrial activity and growing energy production are driving the country’s water demand upward. More than half of India is now considered severely water… Keep reading →

danko doe solar2There are many reasons why the solar energy industry has been in the news so often lately. Within the last decade, costs have taken a nose-dive, while volume and usage have steadily climbed. Within the next 30 years, the International Energy Agency predicts that solar energy could count for up to 16% of the globe’s entire energy. As it stands, it generates 1%. However, analysts have been critical of this optimistic growth potential, citing that it would only be possible if governments change their policies concerning solar energy.

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Renewable Energy Update – March 2017 #4

Germany Seeks Ambitious Goals For Renewable Energy

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. has announced that 69.3% of the electricity delivered to its customers in 2016 came from greenhouse-gas-free resources

2011 US Open - Day 13

How do we compensate those who add clean electricity to our shared power grid? This fundamental question has affected the rate at which the U.S. has adopted, deployed, and put into use clean, distributed energy resources such as energy efficiency, batteries, electric vehicles, and rooftop and community solar. At the core of our new distributed… Keep reading →

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