
The media attention given to electric vehicles as of late may lead one to believe in a future in which carbon emissions are gone, and crude oil consumption is a thing of the past. The media attention, however, may be disproportionate to reality. The fact is, it is unlikely that electric cars will have a… Keep reading →

Bioeconomy: One Billion Tons of Biomass

The federal agencies that provide the muscle for energy policy are finalizing plans to harness the energy from one billion tons of biomass per year. The “Bioeconomy Vision” is an effort to move biomass out of the laboratory and into the market. The goal, within the next 15 years, is production and commercialization of biofuels,… Keep reading →

Since President Trump’s election to office, his administration has made it very clear that building and restoring infrastructure is at the top of their “to-do” list.  The Energy Storage Association and their supporters are looking to turn Trump’s priority into an opportunity for their agenda.  To create this opportunity, the ESA, and other supporting organizations,… Keep reading →

California is no stranger to subsidizing renewable energy – and now, there is a newer and bigger subsidy that has just been approved, this time attempting to invigorate the energy storage market. California’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) has been a major success in the past years. The subsidy that was geared towards incentivizing the growth… Keep reading →

Renewable Energy Update – April 2017 #2

Germany Debates Renewable Energy Investements

Solar capacity on the CAISO system spiked last year, leading to negative prices at times when output is highest but demand is not.

The General Assembly of Maryland just passed a bill that would provide a 30% tax credit to those who chose to utilize energy storage technology, making it the first state in the country to pass such legislation. The funds provided by the bill would last from 2018 to 2022. The bill includes a cap of… Keep reading →

In past years, the costs associated with residential PV solar systems have been left up to the imagination of the companies installing the systems.  The parameters of this industry’s guessing game are about to change according to a recent report from the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).  The NREL has decided to team up… Keep reading →

A quick check-in on the renewable technologies that will keep the lights on when the world runs on 100 percent renewables. No country will ever get to 100 percent renewable energy without using geothermal, biomass, hydropower or a combination of the three. These technologies are able to provide energy around the clock, (baseload) and do… Keep reading →

Hurricane Katrina Aftermath - Day 15

Here in California, we know a thriving economy and forward-thinking clean energy policy go hand in hand. An important way for us to do this is to keep using cost-competitive renewable sources of energy to power our economy. Transitioning California to a clean energy economy is good for our wallets, our lungs, and our workforce.… Keep reading →

Industrial Energy Efficiency Would Make American Manufacturing More Competitive

President Trump has vowed to make American companies and manufacturing stronger and more competitive. However, on March 28, the President signed an executive order, “Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth,” beginning the process of rolling back the Clean Power Plan. While the executive order is explicitly intended to promote economic growth, it misses a significant… Keep reading →

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