Shifra Mincer


Posts by Shifra Mincer

OConnell-Diaz from Illinois Appointed as Chair of NARUC Electricity Committee @NARUC%20

Energy politics have been more partisan than ever this year.

Republicans have been consistently supporting incumbent fossil fuel electricity generators–nuclear, coal and natural gas–while Democrats have been vocally supporting emissions regulations, renewables loan guarantees and tax incentives as well as increased taxes on oil and gas companies. Keep reading →

With renewables tax incentives set to expire, market liquidity seemingly harder than ever to find, a supercommittee fail and EPA regulations pending, many in the energy industry may have a hard time being grateful this year.

But the industry is also at an inflection point, where the dying of old ways is opening possibilities for new beginnings. Keep reading →

North Carolina residents may see a bump in their electricity bills this spring.

Duke Energy announced today that it reached a preliminary agreement with North Carolina Public Utility Commission staff on an approximately $310 million increase in the customer base rates, about a 7.2% increase. If approved by the North Carolina PUC, the rate increase–based on 10.5% return on equity (ROE) and 53% equity component of capital structure–will take effect February 2012. Keep reading →

Gov. Heineman: Pipeline Re-Routing is Nebraska Common Sense: (Lincoln, Neb.) @Gov_Heineman

With the 2012 presidential election looming, the White House seems to be postponing many of the hard decision in its environmental policy.

After delaying an EPA rule on ground-level ozone emissions from power stations in early September, and then delaying a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline this November, EPA said on Monday it will delay a mid-December deadline for greenhouse gas emissions rules on oil refineries. Keep reading →

The US congressional committee responsible for striking a deficit reduction deal has failed to reach agreement ahead of Monday’s deadline, diminishing the prospects for a fresh stimulus package to help revive the world’s largest economy being passed this year.

The committee’s announced its failure in a joint statement from the Democratic and Republican co-chairs on Monday afternoon, just after financial markets had closed for the day. Keep reading →

All the batteries on Earth store just 10 mins of world electricity needs. This new battery may be key. #RenewableEnergy @BillGates

The potential for climbing costs in reacting to climate change are looking more and more bleak and it may be time for leaders outside the environmental community to do something about it, business leaders on a Ceres-sponsored call said on Friday.

The meeting was purposefully scheduled to start six hours after the release of a United Nations-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel report on climate change in Uganda. It warned global leaders that climate change is real and could have disastrous environmental and economics impacts. Keep reading →

As Americans stock up on Turkey meat for Thanksgiving dinners, farmers scramble to feed those families. When its all over, they will be left with not only some profit but also with mounds of a less heartwarming byproduct: turkey litter.

Of the various kinds of poultry, turkeys produce substantially higher amounts of waste because they tend to be larger. Having recognized this several years ago, the US Department of Agriculture has been encouraging farmers to convert turkey litter into energy by using the methane gas in the waste to create electricity. Keep reading →

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