Jared Anderson

Posts by Jared Anderson

Midwest Hammered By Second Major Snowstorm

The EIA’s latest Short-Term Energy and Winter Fuels Outlook finds US households heated with natural gas, propane and electricity face higher heating bills this winter. Homes in the northeast that use heating oil will pay slightly less for the fuel than last year. These price movements are primarily due to changes in underlying commodity prices,… Keep reading →

Oil Boom Shifts The Landscape Of Rural North Dakota

Addressing the natural gas flaring issue in North Dakota’s portion of the Bakken Shale formation is not as simple as just connecting new wells to pipeline infrastructure. Sometimes new, high-pressure wells can overwhelm existing infrastructure and without additional compression, more frequent maintenance or expanding the system, extinguishing the flares is not feasible. The latest report… Keep reading →

Mild Winter In Northeast Drives Lobster Prices To Record Lows

The race is on across the U.S. as states compete to lead in the green energy industry. Solar panels, wind turbines and geothermal energy facilities have popped up all over the nation. But not every state has been successful. Maine, for example, appears to be moving in the wrong direction. As of late, the state… Keep reading →

Tasmanian Miners Found Alive

Australia has a lot going for it that other potential shale gas producers lack, like access to capital markets, existing infrastructure and a history of natural gas development. But natural gas development projects – conventional and unconventional – can be expensive and landed prices in Asia – despite proximity – could be higher than delivered… Keep reading →

Australian Electricity Prices Surge 50 Percent In Five Years

By: Holly Ellyatt The U.K’s “big six” energy companies will be grilled by U.K. lawmakers on Tuesday about the reasons behind hiking their consumer energy bills by an average of 9.1 percent just ahead of the onset of winter. The companies — EDF Energy, SSE, Scottish Power, Npower, E.ON UK and British Gas – have… Keep reading →

George Osborne Visits Scotland

Offshore oil field workers could be living in some fancy new digs by 2015, as Norwegian ship builder Salt Ship Design puts the finishing touches on a new vessel that generates its own waves, counteracting those occurring naturally at sea, to keep the vessel stable. The technology would allow workers to stay on a ship… Keep reading →

Oil Boom Shifts The Landscape Of Rural North Dakota

Those familiar with the US oil and gas industry probably saw the now famous picture of North Dakota from space at night that depicts widespread natural gas flaring. As hydrocarbon production – primarily oil – rapidly increases, new wells in remote areas often flare natural gas until gathering pipelines are constructed to transport the gas… Keep reading →

Greenland:  A Laboratory For The Symptoms Of Global Warming

The latest U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report published on Sept. 27 paints a grave message about the planet’s carbon budget and things are not looking good from a climate change mitigation perspective. Arresting global temperature increases in order to prevent potential catastrophe means countries cannot burn all their fossil fuel resources, according… Keep reading →

Houston Scenics

Well it’s not quite that dramatic, but Houston was passed over as host of the 2017 World Petroleum Congress in favor of Istanbul, Turkey. The Texas energy capital hosted the event in 1987 and nearly won the honors for the 2014 event, narrowly losing out to Moscow. [Houston Business Journal] Eni drilled a successful appraisal… Keep reading →

Government Leaders Attend Clean Energy Summit In Vegas

US Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz addressed the most prominent energy-related security issues facing the country during remarks made today at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC. Here are the 4 main challenges Moniz highlighted: 1)      US vulnerability to oil price volatility – “We are not disconnecting from oil price volatility,” said… Keep reading →

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