Making America More Competitive in the Global Clean Energy Economy

on December 24, 2013 at 3:00 PM

Thursday, December 12th, was a big day at the Energy Department.

In addition to announcing $8 billion in new loan guarantees for advanced domestic fossil energy projects and a new award for innovative engineering, design certification and licensing for small modular reactors — a path to advance safe, cost-effective nuclear energy deployment — Secretary Moniz kicked off yesterday’s American Energy and Manufacturing Competitiveness Summit with news that the Department has awarded $150 million in clean energy tax credits to 12 U.S. manufacturers.

The companies receiving this award make products that cut across the energy spectrum — from diesel emissions controls, to low-flow hydroelectric turbines, to highly efficient gas furnaces — representing the Department’s commitment to an all-of-the-above energy strategy that advances American competitiveness in the global clean energy economy.

In his remarks at the summit, Secretary Moniz stressed the need to support and advance manufacturing and deployment of domestic clean energy technologies, and discussed the importance of research and development, energy efficiency and STEM education in our nation’s innovation chain.

To learn more about how the Energy Department is supporting advanced clean energy manufacturing and competitiveness, watch the Secretary’s speech in the video above.