The Consumers Have Their Say

on May 26, 2011 at 8:56 AM

With the economy still faltering three years after the financial crisis began, the energy industry is still reeling from the hit as consumers dial back their energy-intensive practices.

Consulting group Deloitte embarked on a study to figure out how consumer attitudes and behaviors towards energy use have shifted.

This month they released their findings, “reSources 2011 Study,” collected with the help of market research firm Harrison Group. They interviewed 3,200 consumers and hundreds of professionals in the industry.

Deloitte Found:

90% consumers say they have become more resourceful

87% are looking at every spending category to see where they can save

55% are very concerned with their personal carbon footprint

On the Electricity Demand Side:

67% consumers took extra steps to reduce electrical bills due to the recession

95% do not intend to increase energy use even when economy bounces back

Knowledge Remains Elusive:

62% consumers say they don’t fully understand the resources their electric companies use to generate electricity


67% would pay surcharges if their electric companies invested in wind and solar generation

The Smart Grid Is Struggling To Catch On:

28% customers ages 21-34 would purchase a smart meter, whereas only 18% of total customers said they would

33% customers ages 21-34 would pay more for a smart meter to control energy use, whereas only 22% of customers ages 45-65 would and a meager 16% of customers 66-74.

See the full text of the study on Breaking Energy.

For more information about the Deloitte study, please contact