
Washington Landmarks Begin To Re-Open As Government Shutdown Ends

Because the proposed Israeli embassy move is a potential headache for the palace, it will no doubt be high on the king’s agenda, but U.S. officials should be prepared to offer assurances on other pressing security and economic concerns as well. On January 30, Jordan’s King Abdullah arrives in Washington for meetings with the new… Keep reading →

Oil Fields In Northern Iraq Try To Reach Maximum Production capacity.

The circumstances of the Russian-sponsored peace conference raise several concerns, but failure to participate could signal acquiescence to Moscow’s plans in Syria and further U.S. withdrawal from the Middle East. On January 23, Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, will host a conference on Syria sponsored by Russia, Iran, and Turkey. The meeting’s timing, locale, invite… Keep reading →

Bicycle Taxi In Paris

The meeting’s main outcomes will probably disappoint ardent supporters and detractors alike, but the parties should not dismiss the potential progress offered by its more modest, concrete recommendations. On January 15, representatives from around seventy countries and international organizations convened in Paris for the second of two international conferences organized under the French “Middle East… Keep reading →

Iraq Security Forces Conduct Operations in Lead-up to US Drawdown

Helping Erdogan take the city could greatly decrease the civilian death toll and preserve U.S.-Turkish cooperation in Syria, but Washington will still need to decide what to do with the Kurds, its other key ally against the Islamic State. Note: Click on images for high-resolution versions. On January 5, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened… Keep reading →

Kerry Testifies On Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities

The secretary’s latest remarks beg the question: at a time when Israelis and Palestinians are clearly unable to strike a grand deal, why not put ideology aside, jettison the administration’s all-or-nothing approach, and lay out more modest parameters on settlements, incitement, and other concrete issues? In the waning days of the Obama administration, Secretary of… Keep reading →

Kuwait Promises To Increase Oil Production In Case  Of War

Recent statements out of Washington and Riyadh have inadvertently widened the differences between the two allies, hindering the incoming U.S. administration’s options for resolving the Yemen conflict. On December 13, U.S. officials announced that the sale of about 16,000 guided munition kits to Saudi Arabia would be blocked due to concerns that the kingdom’s poorly… Keep reading →

Iraqi Kurdistan Starts Oil Exports

Despite pressure from OPEC to cap its oil production, the Iraqi government can neither afford a production cut nor enforce it upon the Kurdistan Regional Government. Under tremendous fiscal pressure, OPEC members may cut a deal in Vienna this week that would cap oil production in order to raise global prices. The deal is being… Keep reading →

China Plans New Energy Strategy

Amid uncertainties about the incoming U.S. administration’s approach to the Middle East and the nuclear deal, Tehran and Beijing appear to be entering a new era in their strategic partnership, including the potential transfer of advanced weapon systems down the road. Last week, Chinese defense minister Chang Wanquan concluded a three-day trip to Tehran, the… Keep reading →

A New President And The Middle East

The US flag flies at half-staff above th

How will the election’s outcome shape the direction of U.S. Middle East policy, and how do America’s friends in the region view the prospect of a new administration? Read or watch a conversation between leading Middle Eastern journalists and U.S. policy experts. On November 10, Jamal Khashoggi, Jumana Ghunaimat, David Horovitz, Norman Ornstein, and Dennis Ross… Keep reading →

Tamar, The Natural Gas Production Platform Off The Israeli Coast, Is To Begin It's Natural Gas Production

  Although security cooperation tends to get the headlines, the two countries have been quietly pursuing other initiatives that could provide a desperately needed boost to Egypt’s trade, tourism, and energy sectors. On October 18, Ynet news reported that Egypt and Israel were planning to pursue joint economic projects after years of cold relations on that… Keep reading →

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