
The South West's First Solar Farm Is Connected

State level regulators, like politicians, read the newspaper headlines, notice what is in their in-box and have a good sense of what their constituents like and dislike. This, more than anything else, explains why they seem reluctant to modify or nullify prevailing net energy metering (NEM) laws even when they realize that the status quo may be unsustainable… Keep reading →

Herman Cain Attends Americans For Prosperity Rally Against President Obama

Even the Tea Party is pushing back on the conservative political group’s claims. A curious thing happened in Georgia this month. As the state’s public service commission was considering a proposal for 525 megawatts of solar PV — a program fiercely opposed by Georgia Power — an unlikely alliance formed to support more solar. The… Keep reading →

Stocks Continue Two Day Slide Downward After Federal Reserve Comments

If you are a regular reader, then you may be tired of me warning that utility business models are in trouble. I started years ago. And just a few weeks ago I alerted you once again to the very real dangers of net metering. But now we’re hearing a similar litany from the people who advise… Keep reading →

New York Blackout 2003

New large-scale solar projects earmarked for funding under the NY-Sun initiative will potentially increase New York’s solar capacity by 64 MW, bringing the state to the forefront of solar energy development. On July 9, 2013, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced $54 million in funding for large-scale solar projects having a combined capacity of… Keep reading →

Worldskills 2013 Youth Job Skills Championships

Utilities are just beginning to utilize the advanced data monitoring, recording, and event reporting capabilities of smart meters. Around the world, new government mandates and stimulus funding have catalyzed the deployment of smart meters. In the U.S. alone, $3.4 billion allocated from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding will be used to facilitate the installation… Keep reading →

Israeli Stock Market Reacts To News Of Ariel Sharon's Health

Early indications of the direction the newly activist Federal Energy Regulatory Commission are deeply worrying, not just for the power industry but for the entire economy, as well as for the future of the agency’s own necessary and important work in overseeing the evolving US electricity sector. Not many people cry for banks when regulators… Keep reading →

US President Barack Obama walks the West

Bypassing Congress, president outlines ambitious climate agenda Perhaps, like the rest of us, President Obama does most of his reading – and thinking – when he is away from the office on travel. Speaking in Berlin in June following the G8 summit – which may be characterized as a futile annual shindig in search of a… Keep reading →

The People Of Brunei Prepare For The Royal Wedding

Discussions of energy and climate change often focus on the need to reduce or modify energy end-use to cut down on emissions, which have the potential to accelerate average global temperature increases and lead to changing weather patterns. But researchers at IBM are focused on the inverse of that relationship – looking more closely at… Keep reading →

Recovery Continues Two Weeks After Superstorm Sandy

Arbitrage opportunities created by wide disparities between peak and off-peak power prices can offer strong returns, but data transparency is the key to capitalizing on those opportunities, said speakers at New York Energy Week’s Energy Data Jam, hosted by Google. Genscape has made a business of amassing and analyzing energy data, and “where that data… Keep reading →

New York And New Jersey Continue To Deal With Aftermath Of Hurricane Sandy

NY state commission asks feds to look into “troubling” relationship between utility and key consultant.   The Long Island Power Authority, the target of multiple investigations in the wake of its poor response to Hurricane Sandy, may soon be facing investigation by federal prosecutors as well. A special commission appointed by New York Gov. Andrew… Keep reading →

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