Massive Solar Electricity Plant Provides Power To California Homes

If you want a good example how bad government can kill good jobs and clean energy innovation, take a look at what’s happening in Nevada, where a decision by Governor Brian Sandoval’s appointees, pushed by NV Energy Inc., essentially killed the thriving local solar energy industry. In December 2015, Gov. Sandoval’s Public Utilities Commission (PUCN)… Keep reading →

British Government Signs A Deal For New Nuclear Power Plant

The summer of 2015 brought New England the lowest wholesale electricity prices since 2003, thanks to record low prices for natural gas.

Renewable Energy Update – August 2015 #4

Bedouins Of The Negev Desert

President Barack Obama will announce on Monday a $1 billion increase in loan guarantees for renewable energy projects as part of a series of steps to promote development of clean energy.

Central Utah Anchors State's Coal Mining Industry

The EPA has halted all field investigations following an accident that lead to the release of more than three million gallons of toxic waste in Colorado on Wednesday. [The NY Times] LNG bulk shipments to Hawaii deserves consideration, but only in accordance with the state’s renewable energy agenda, the head of the state’s Energy Office… Keep reading →