
Crown Prince Naruhito Visits Renesas Technology Corp

The year 2013 marked a new era for sustainable energy and cleantech. Innovative sustainable technologies have started to mature and are getting closer to mainstream acceptance. Growing pains are over for many of these technologies and they can now simultaneously reduce cost and the energy intensity of products and production processes, while also improving the… Keep reading →

NETL chemical looping

From the pioneering work of Thomas Edison more than a century ago to today’s clean energy revolution, American innovation has always played an important role in making energy production smarter and more efficient. That’s why, as part of the President’s Climate Action Plan, the Energy Department’s Loan Programs Office (LPO) announced today that it is providing up… Keep reading →

European Central Bank To Hold Meeting Thursday

By sitting around and watching opportunities pass by Warren Buffet, the legendary investor who has been at the helm of Berkshire Hathaway and made a fortune for himself and his shareholders, was once asked how to make a million. His answer: Buy an airline for a billion and watch your investment shrink to a million.… Keep reading →

Solar Energy Remains Popular For Private Homeowners

The U.S. residential solar segment witnessed record growth in Q3 2013 with 31,000 individual installations. On December 10, 2013, GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) released a report analyzing U.S. solar market performance across 28 states and the District of Columbia during Q3 2013.  According to the report, Q3 2013 represents the… Keep reading →

NASA Offers Tour Of Its Offshore Membrane Enclosure For Growing Algae (OMEGA) System

Sapphire Energy and refiner Phillips 66 – comprised of ConocoPhillips’ former refining assets – have announced a joint development agreement to commercialize Sapphire’s Green Crude, an algae-based crude oil. The two companies will expand Sapphire’s ongoing testing program to ensure that Green Crude can be processed in traditional refineries and meet Environmental Protection Agency standards under the… Keep reading →

GlassPoint PDO 16

Integrating renewables into the oil and gas industry has become more common especially as the industry turns to production from heavy crude. Outside of the United States, natural gas is not cheap and abundant and so the oil industry’s reliance on power generated from natural gas places limitation on growth. GlassPoint, a company with solar… Keep reading →

Biggest Solar Photovoltaic Power Station In Northwest China Under Construction In Xining

New York City’s largest solar facility to be deployed at Freshkills Park will increase the city’s current renewable capacity by 50 percent. On November 25, 2013, Mayor Bloomberg announced NYC’s largest solar energy facility will be installed at Freshkills Park, Staten Island.  The 10 MW facility, with potential to generate five times more power than… Keep reading →

Cleveland Indians v New York Yankees

In October 2013, exactly 40 years after the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) announced that the US produced more crude oil than it imported. According to EIA, estimated domestic crude oil output averaged 7.7 million barrels per day in October – the highest in 25 years – while oil imports were 7.6.… Keep reading →

Germany Invests Heavily In Solar Energy

With the announcement today of continued growth in residential and utility-scale installations in the third quarter and a forecast of a robust fourth quarter, the leading American solar industry group said new capacity additions in the U.S. in 2013 will likely exceed those in Germany for the first time in 15 years. In a way, this isn’t… Keep reading →


Renewable energy sources and natural gas should be considered as complements and not rivals.  A hybrid gas-electric clean energy provides a workable engineering solution while 100% Renewables models based heavily on wind, solar and efficiency fall short of the meeting the functional needs of a modern technology intensive society. Natural gas and renewables are already… Keep reading →

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