Supreme Court Delays Implementation Of Clean Power Plan


In a 5-4 vote, the United States Supreme Court stayed the implementation of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) through the ultimate Supreme Court determination on the merits, assuming the inevitable writ of certiorari from the D.C. Circuit opinion is granted.

Chinese Solar Manufacturer Supplies a Growing Domestic Market

The supreme court hit the pause button on Barack Obama’s plans to cut climate pollution from power plants, injecting new uncertainty into the viability of Obama’s climate plan once he leaves office in 2017. [The Guardian] European banks appear to face greater long-term exposure to problems in the energy sector compared to U.S. banks, many… Keep reading →

Climate Protection - Photo Illustrations

In 1972, Christopher Stone, a Harvard law professor, proposed the thoughtful rationale “Should Trees Have Standing?” to explore the topic of potential rights of nature from a legal perspective. He opined that rivers and trees and other “objects” of nature have rights and that these should be protected by granting legal standing to guardians of… Keep reading →

Renewable Energy Update – January 2016 #4

Congress Meets As Government Shutdown Looms

The Supreme Court sided with federal regulators last Monday, upholding a rule meant to incentivize efforts to reduce electricity demand.

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds FERC Jurisdiction Over Demand Response

Government Shutdown Continues Into Weekend

On January 25, 2016, in a 6-2 decision delivered by Justice Kagan, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the authority of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) under the Federal Power Act.

EPA Proposes New Limits On Emissions From Coal-Fired Plants

On January 21, 2016, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied numerous requests to delay implementation of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan.

Britain's Prince Charles(6thR) walks in

In a win for the Obama administration and environmental groups, the Supreme Court on Monday upheld a 5-year-old federal program that pays large electric customers to save energy during times of peak demand. [ABC News] Exxon Mobil has claimed oil and gas will still dominate world energy by 2040, in a statement released today as… Keep reading →

Britain's Prince Charles(6thR) walks in

Supreme Court hears “demand-response” arguments on FERC rule.


Legal challenges filed almost immediately after President Obama announced the Clean Power Rule may be premature.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a voluntary Natural Gas STAR Methane Challenge Program, through which oil and natural gas companies can make and track commitments to reduce methane emissions.

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