Safety Standards

California Adopts Sweeping Plan To Combat Greenhouse Gas Emissions

After several years of collaboration among regulatory experts from across the country, the Groundwater Protection Council (GWPC), recently published a set of 136 “Regulatory Elements” intended to provide regulators with ideas to consider when improving oversight of the permitting, construction, operation and plugging of oil and gas wells. This may sound dry, but regulations addressing… Keep reading →

Anniversary Of Nuclear Disaster At Three Mile Island Marked Near The Site

“What is spectacular is the extent to which the nuclear industry is appearing to ignore reality.”  Global investment in new nuclear is an order of magnitude less than renewable energy investment. That is just one of the findings of a newindependent report on the state of the worldwide nuclear industry that was issued on Thursday.… Keep reading →

Cabinets From Both UK And Scottish Governments Meet In North East Scotland

Just a few minutes after BP Group Chief Executive Robert Dudley addressed a CERAWeek luncheon crowd on post-Macondo efforts that have seen the company spend  more than $44 billion on Gulf response and cleanup, I talked with Center for Offshore Safety Executive Director Charlie Williams about the center’s work to increase the safety culture in… Keep reading →

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

Following up on last week’s rebuttal of a truth-challenged attack on hydraulic fracturing in a USA Today op-ed, in which we detail how federal and state regulation, combined with industry standards are protecting the environment, water supplies and communities. The op-ed by the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Amy Mall opens by posing a false choice for Americans: economic and energy security from… Keep reading →