Ohio State University

Getting The Most Out Of Solar Panels

Cleveland's COOPs

IF YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT GOING SOLAR AT YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS, YOU WANT THE BIGGEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK. Luckily, solar is cheaper than ever, thanks to the falling cost and rising efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels. But here’s something to consider: figuring out the real cost of solar energy is about more than… Keep reading →

German Summit On Electric Mobility

SAN DIEGO –  The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and General Motors Co. (GM) today crowned The Ohio State University this year’s winner of the EcoCAR 3 – Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition during an awards ceremony at the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego. This is the second stage of an ongoing 4-year competition that… Keep reading →

Oil Prices Rise As BP Shuts Pipeline

A group of US oil refiners released a study they say shows incremental production volumes can be handled by their facilities, in contrast to an opposing view that suggests the country’s refining complex is geared toward heavy oil and cannot handle the recent surge in lighter hydrocarbon output. “The refinery group’s study said refiners can… Keep reading →