National Labs

View of the ventilation windows of an op

Diamonds are one of the most coveted gemstones. But while some may want the perfect diamond for its sparkle, physicists covet the right diamonds to perfect their experiments. The gem is a key component in a novel system at Jefferson Lab that enables precision measurements to discover new physics in the sub-atomic realm — the… Keep reading →

Employees of a Kurchatov Center for Sync

The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a project of superlatives. It will use the world’s most intense neutrino beam and largest neutrino detector to study the weirdest and most abundant matter particles in the universe. More than 800 scientists from close to 30 countries are working on the project to crack some long-unanswered questions… Keep reading →


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Building on the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, the Department of Energy today awarded more than $5 million to undergraduate and graduate students in pursuit of nuclear engineering degrees and other nuclear science and engineering programs relevant to nuclear energy. The awards include 57 undergraduate scholarships and 33 graduate-level fellowships for students at… Keep reading →

Ford Launches Fifth Plug-In Hybrid Car At Michigan Plant

In 2014, Americans drove 3.02 trillion miles—the equivalent of 6.2 million round-trips to the moon. With light-duty vehicles accounting for more than 40% of U.S. oil use, most people want to use less gas to save them money, helping reduce pollution and improve energy security. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to improve your gas… Keep reading →

Renewable Plastic

An artist’s rendition of the tough new plastic. | Photo courtesy of Mark Robbins, Oak Ridge National Lab. Your car’s bumper is probably made of a plastic called ABS, shorthand for its acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene components. Light, strong and tough, ABS is also used to make ventilation pipes, protective headgear, kitchen appliances, Lego bricks and… Keep reading →


How two sets of twin sisters became best friends and found careers through science. | Graphic by Carly Wilkins, Energy Department. Is your sister like a best friend? Is your best friend like a sister? Can she help you with your chem lab? “All of these things,” said Emma and Molly White and Ru-Shyan and… Keep reading →

Meeting America’s Pressing Needs — One Reaction At A Time

U.S. Government Releases Over $5 Billion In Aid For Home Heating Bills

In the Middle Ages, alchemists worked diligently to transform base metals, such as lead, into gold or other precious metals. While these ambitions were without success, medieval alchemy set the stage for modern chemistry. One trick of the trade today is catalysis, in which a substance — the catalyst — is added to speed the… Keep reading →


It’s rare for a work of science fiction to contain much science fact. But in “The Martian,” a very real technology helps keep a very made-up astronaut alive on the Red Planet. “The Martian” begins with a crew of NASA astronauts on a mission to explore Mars. An unexpected weather event forces the research team… Keep reading →

Eagles Are Making Wind Turbines Safer For Birds

Chicago Cubs v New York Yankees

A bald eagle named Spirit and a golden eagle named Nova are helping researchers make wind energy safer for birds. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), one of the Department of Energy’s 17 National Laboratories, partnered with industry to gather data about bird flight patterns, which will help the companies develop technology to reduce bird collisions… Keep reading →

Scientist Helps NASA Develop Medical Device


Radiobiologist Matt Coleman displays a device like the medical diagnosis instrument he helped develop for NASA for use in deep space. | Photo by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. In the future, NASA astronauts journeying into deep space may give themselves a health check-up with the aid of a small medical device developed by a team… Keep reading →

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