Keystone XL Pipeline

86th Annual Academy Awards - Show

We’ve increasingly seen celebrities voice their views on energy-related issues and recent Academy Award winner Jared Leto just joined the crowd when he signed an open letter to Secretary of State John Kerry urging him to recommend Keystone XL pipeline permit disapproval to President Obama. The dramatic letter compares Kerry’s Keystone decision to his 1971… Keep reading →

Mount Sinabung Continues To Erupt As People Return To Their Villages

Scientists had been attempting to explain why climate change appeared to slow after 1998 and a new study suggests major volcanic eruptions could have played an important role in the trend. “Powerful volcanic eruptions send small sulphur droplets, or aerosols, high into the atmosphere where they act as a mirror to reflect the sun’s rays… Keep reading →

Global Green USA's Millennium Awards Benefiting The Places, The People And The Planet In Need

Billionaire hedge fund manager turned climate activist Tom Steyer is marshalling resources to help democrats maintain the Senate during this year’s midterm elections, with climate change as a major electoral issue. He’s putting $100 million toward the cause, but some question whether that’s enough to counter the more than $400 million the Koch brothers’ empire… Keep reading →

Oil Boom Shifts The Landscape Of Rural North Dakota

The folks at the Energy Collective hosted an interesting webchat discussion of the Keystone XL pipeline the other day, a good part of which focused on greenhouse gas emissions from the project and oil sands development – identified by President Obama as a key basis for his pipeline decision. The big takeaway here: Even at the high end of… Keep reading →


Last Friday the U.S. Department of State released its Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Keystone XL pipeline project. Instantly, many media outlets were only too eager to suggest that with this report the Keystone decision to be made by President Obama is a foregone conclusion; namely, in favor of the controversial project.… Keep reading →

John Kerry Holds Trilateral Meeting With Canadian And Mexican Counterparts

  The US State Department released its Final Environmental Impact Statement on the Keystone XL Pipeline project Friday, which received spirited reactions across the energy business and political spectrums. The findings were largely in line with previous Environmental Impact Statements, which concluded Canada’s oil sands resources would likely be developed regardless of the pipeline’s construction.… Keep reading →

OPAL Pipeline To Connect To Baltic Sea

The highly controversial Keystone XL pipeline project – that would move Canadian oil sands crude from Alberta to the US Gulf Coast – took a step forward in the drawn-out approval process today when the State Department released its Final Environmental Impact Statement. The statement is mostly favorable – the executive summary is included below.… Keep reading →

Premiere Of Open Road Films' "Justin Bieber's Believe" - Red Carpet

It can be hard to maintain a sense of humor while keeping up with all the fast-moving energy business trends unfolding so far this year, but maybe this will help. Toronto resident Josh Culling connected the long-awaited Keystone XL Pipeline decision with news of pop icon and misbehaving teen heart throb Justin Bieber’s inebriated drag-racing… Keep reading →

President Obama Speaks At Southern Site Of The Keystone Oil Pipeline

The long-delayed Keystone XL pipeline and whether President Obama will agree with a strong majority of Americans who believe that the full project is in the U.S. national interest landed on a couple of year-ending lists of top energy issues, here and here, no doubt reflecting the politics surrounding the pipeline’s five-year federal review. Much of politicizing has been fueled… Keep reading →

President Obama Speaks At Southern Site Of The Keystone Oil Pipeline

We may finally get a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline in 2014, but in the meantime the battle over whether or not to construct the oil transportation infrastructure project rages on. This infographic argues in favor of constructing KXL because pipelines are a more efficient transportation method than either trucking or railing crude oil.… Keep reading →

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