IRS Sheds New Light On Solar Tax Credits, Leaves Energy Storage In The Dark

Cleveland's COOPs

The IRS issued recent guidance regarding construction of commercial solar energy properties and other qualified energy properties for purposes of claiming the ITC

Domestic Oil And Gas Production

In December 2017 Congress significantly broadened the Internal Revenue Code’s $1 million deduction limitation for compensation paid to top public company executives

The Quick (But Not Dirty) Issue No 1: IRS Solar Construction Guidance

Work Crew Installs Solar Power Panels In Santa Monica

A Basic Guide to Renewable Energy Market and Energy Tax Basics

Good News For Solar And Other ITC Projects

A picture taken on May 9, 2011 in Les Me

Previously, the IRS had issued several notices addressing the beginning of construction requirements for wind and other production tax credit (PTC) eligible facilities

Renewable Energy Update – June 2018 #4

Cleveland's COOPs

The Internal Revenue Service released a new guidance Friday that establishes when the construction of a solar facility starts to qualify for the solar ITC

IRS Issues Notice 2018-59: “Begun Construction” Guidance For The Investment Tax Credit

New Combined Electricity Project Connect Spain and France

The IRS has issued Notice 2018-59, providing guidance on the “begun construction” requirements for facilities qualifying for the Section 48 ITC

Report Places Los Angeles At Top Of List For City With Worst Traffic And Smog

It is my pleasure once more to publish our list of popular topics on JD Supra covering readership over the entire year.

Detroit Hosts Flagship North American International Auto Show

Even in these days of low gas prices, plug-in electric and other types of alternative fuel vehicles are still often cheaper to fill up than conventional ones. With tax season approaching, there are more ways to save money than ever. Plug-in electric vehicles, charging stations, and other alternative fueling infrastructure qualify for federal or state… Keep reading →

Santa Ana Winds And Hot Conditions Stoke Wildfire In Ventura CountyÊ

On May 6, 2015, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published proposed regulations [REG-132634-14], which if finalized would clarify that income from certain oil and natural gas fracturing (“fracking”) services is “qualifying income” for purposes of determining whether a master limited partnership (MLP) qualifies for favorable “passthrough” federal tax status.

IRS, HUD, EPA Furlough 115,000 Due To Sequester Cuts

On January 13, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2015-4 which specifies the performance and quality standards that small wind turbines must meet in order to qualify for the 30 percent investment tax credit (ITC).

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