
China and Iran Diplomacy Meeting

Oil and gas deals between China and Iran are set to change. Last week, several news agencies in the region, including the Iran Daily and Trend News Agency said that Iran and China have agreed that China would pay in cash for the oil and gas it buys from Iran. China is currently the biggest… Keep reading →

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Visits Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman pulled out of meetings at the White House and Camp David this week at the last minute. The move is being interpreted as a signal the Saudis are unhappy with United States’ Iranian foreign policy. “Jon Alterman, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said King Salman’s… Keep reading →

OPEC Ministers Attend Conference In Iran

US oil company executives are reportedly exploring preliminary business opportunities in Iran that could emerge if economic sanctions are relaxed as part of an agreement regarding the country’s nuclear energy activities. The companies represented by these individuals were not identified. “It is forecast that by the visit of [the] American delegation this week and in… Keep reading →


The past two editions of the annual intelligence report show a marked shift away from discussing Iran’s hegemonic regional ambitions and terrorism sponsorship. Each year, the director of national intelligence presents Congress with a “Worldwide Threat Assessment” detailing the range of security threats to the United States, with the latest edition released this February. Below… Keep reading →

Congressional Panel Approves Legislation On Iran Nuclear Deal

As Default Deadline Nears, Congress Continues Debate Debt Ceiling Plan

Yesterday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously passed legislation that would allow Congress to review—and potentially block—any final deal reached with Iran over its nuclear program. The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (S.615) would also prevent the Obama Administration from immediately suspending sanctions against Iran during an initial 30-day congressional review period.


News that China and Iran will try to resurrect their oil and gas relationship mostly took back stage this week to the Royal Dutch Shell-BG Group mega-energy deal of the decade. As a plethora of analysts, commentators and both print and online pundits waxed eloquent over Shell’s proposed $70 billion buyout of the British gas… Keep reading →

P5+1 Reach Framework Agreement With Iran

Germany Seeks Permanent Nuclear Waste Storage Site

As widely reported, the United States, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom (the P5+1), coordinated by the European Union’s High Representative, reached a Framework Agreement with Iran on April 2, 2015, pursuant to which the parties will work through June 2015 to craft a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit

As negotiations intensify this month, Moscow will continue pursuing its own agenda. Diplomats from Iran and the P5+1 nations — the United States, Russia, Britain, China, France, and Germany — are rushing to conclude a nuclear agreement before the self-imposed March 24 deadline. While many details remain unavailable, the technical debate largely centers around the… Keep reading →

Meeting of Vladimir Putin with Libyan leader Muammar Qadaffi

Here’s an interesting look at the peculiar personalities that often accompany top leadership in major oil producing countries like Russia, Iran and Venezuela. “If oil is a factor in the petrostate personality, one might ask whether we might see some change in the leaders, since oil prices have tanked by about 40% in the last… Keep reading →

Iraqi President Fuad Masum Attends Meetings While In New York For The United Nations General Assembly

Ed. note: This is a new weekly column by Elie Mystal, Managing Editor of Above the Law Redline. This space will focus on the laws that exist, should exist, and should be put out of their misery. OVER-REGULATED Iranian Sanctions: You probably know that crude oil prices are ridiculously lower than they were a few… Keep reading →

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