Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Obama's New Proposed Regulations On Coal Energy Production Met With Ire Through Kentucky's Coal Country

The US EPA recently unveiled its Clean Power Plan. This time it proposes carbon pollution emission guidelines for existing stationary sources; namely, electric utility generating units (EGUs). Owners or operators of fossil fuel-fired EGUs will be subject to carbon emission limits if the rule is implemented as currently proposed. It appears this plan constitutes the centerpiece of… Keep reading →

Stephane Rolland : Front Row - Paris Fashion Week - Haute Couture S/S 2014

In a global carbon emissions context, the Keystone XL pipeline is a drop in the bucket. The greenhouse gas emissions generated from developing Canada’s oil sands – 6.8% of total 2010 Canadian GHG emissions – are one piece of a very large global climate puzzle. Tailpipe and power plant emissions are far greater sources of GHG’s. And… Keep reading →

The EPA Proposes Stricter Standards For Smog Limit

The battle lines aren’t officially drawn yet, but the fight is already intense. Next week, the Obama administration will propose new rules for curtailing greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants, the source of about 40 percent of U.S. carbon pollution. The proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air… Keep reading →

Coal Shortage Causes Short Supply of Power in China

  China’s highly anticipated pilot carbon markets are up and running, with the notable exception of Chongqing, but already the lack of transparency, pressure from big business and government-owned enterprises, manipulation of data and over allocation of allowances are proving to be hurdles for success. High levels of liquidity are not the end-goal for a… Keep reading →

The EPA Proposes Stricter Standards For Smog Limit

The 3rd National Climate Assessment (NCA) was released earlier this month, painting a frightening picture of the spiraling costs of climate disruption to America and highlighting the need to price carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.  While President Obama has pledged action and the electricity industry nervously awaits new EPA regulations for power plant emissions, the most appropriate… Keep reading →

Construction Boom Continues In Singapore Despite Asia's Recent Downturn

Making energy efficiency sexy can be a challenge from a messaging standpoint, but it’s also an extremely effective greenhouse gas reduction tool that throws off considerable dividends in the form of reduced operating costs. And if efficiency is an easy carbon emission reduction method, then lighting is energy efficiency’s low-hanging fruit “because it’s the cheapest… Keep reading →

Germany Plans 26 New Coal-Fired Power Plants

 The utility industry, legal community, environmental organizations, analysts and other stakeholders are eagerly awaiting the EPA’s new guidelines for reducing carbon dioxide under the Clean Air Act for existing power plants. The rule is scheduled to be announced June 2nd. President Obama has acted aggressively to bypass congress on climate change legislation by using the… Keep reading →

TO GO WITH Singapore-environment-climate

Congratulations, you’ve made it through tax season! You can now give yourself a big pat on the back and bask in the springtime sun while your refunds roll in. However, if you live in a big city, where you most likely rent real estate and ride public transportation, you may not have qualified for many… Keep reading →

Coal Shortage Causes Short Supply of Power in China

The good news – from a climate change perspective – is China appears to be taking steps to reduce its coal consumption, but the bad news is it’s much easier said than done. Industrialized nations have been slow to enact binding climate change mitigation strategies due to apprehension that carbon emissions from large developing nations… Keep reading →

NASA's WISE Telescope Reveals Millions Of Black Holes

In March 2014, the Obama Administration released its ‘Climate Action Plan’ laying out a comprehensive, interagency strategy to cut methane emissions. The purpose of this plan is to help meet the president’s goal of reducing total US greenhouse gas emissions 17% below 2005 levels by 2020. In particular, the plan stresses the need for new… Keep reading →

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