Emission Reduction Targets

Drought Dries Up California Groundwater Sources

As oil and gas production increases, so does the risk of toxic waste leaking to the environment. The massive amount of briny wastewater generated from oil and gas development can cause serious damage if it comes into contact with the public or our environment. Consider what happened to the Johnsons, a 4th generation ranching family in… Keep reading →

Germany Debates Renewable Energy Investements

It’s hard to overstate the importance of the industry’s new environmental initiative launched last week – The Environmental Partnership. “Landmark,” “historic” and “ground-breaking” all describe the partnership. Add to that list “bold” – with 26 natural gas and oil companies agreeing to share scientific information, innovations and best practices while being publicly accountable for progress on further reducing… Keep reading →

Prime Minister Harper And Supporters Await Election Results

The call to reduce oil and gas methane emissions landed a one-two punch this week that should provide Canada all the motivation it needs to get ahead of this global trend and prepare its energy industry for the future. First, the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) World Energy Outlook analysis statedthe future of the natural gas industry… Keep reading →

With AFP Story by Veronique DUPONT: US-E

Ohio voters continue to oppose bailouts for nuclear plants. As a statewide poll showed this summer, a new poll by API Ohio shows big opposition to a proposal to let nuclear plant owner FirstEnergy charge its customers a special fee to increase funding for its plants in three counties that are near FirstEnergy’s headquarters and its Davis-Besse and Perry… Keep reading →

Air Pollution Attacks Beijing Again

This month marks the one year anniversary since the residents in Imperial County California did something pretty amazing. After experiencing some of the highest asthma hospitalization rates in the state, the community got together to launch the IVAN air monitoring project– a community website that provides real time air quality data collected from 40 different pollution… Keep reading →

U.S. Government Releases Over $5 Billion In Aid For Home Heating Bills

In July, the U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit ruled in favor of renewable fuels advocates, including the Americans for Clean Energy and the National Corn Growers Association.

President Trump

President Trump has made a public decision to take action on the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Exxon Mobil Shareholders Push For Climate Policy Risk Disclosure

Web-Based Boycott Of Exxon Mobil Hopes To Lower Gas Prices

A new trend is emerging among the country’s most influential fossil fuel investors: a demand for climate change accountability and progress towards a low-carbon economy.

Coal Shortage Causes Short Supply Of Power in China

The news has been full of stories and articles concerning Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR), also referred to as coal ash.


Methane leaking from pipes before natural gas is delivered to customers can have a large, harmful impact on the climate.  This idea was first brought to light in a major scientific paper published in 2012, and supported by numerous papers since.  For California, a climate leader, and a state that consumes 10 percent of the… Keep reading →

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