
Smart grid technology benefits everyone from utilities to consumers and a business case can be made for the large capital investment required to get us there.

That’s the message eMeter Co-Founder and CTO, Larsh Johnson gave Breaking Energy during a recent interview. Energy and infrastructure giant Siemens acquired eMeter in January 2012. Keep reading →

Earlier this month the journal Electricity Policy reported a regulatory victory for wind power owners: the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has decided that the Bonneville Power Administration cannot force wind producers to curtail production in favor of hydroelectric plants.

The new FERC order emphasizes that BPA, which operates in the Pacific Northwest, cannot discriminate against wind energy. Keep reading →

The burgeoning global smart grid industry is beginning to consolidate as governments around the world look to use their energy resources more efficiency and limit carbon emissions without sacrificing electric reliability.

Siemens announced on Monday that it would acquire its long-time strategic smart grid partner, California-based eMeter, for an undisclosed sum, with the deal set to take effect mid-to-late December. eMeter specializes in smart meter data management software and is most famous for its EnergyIP platform, which can provide, readout and manage data produced by smart meters throughout a power grid. Keep reading →