We Don’t Do Green


I cringed when I read this quote, attributed to a senior military representative in Scientific American. I understood what he was trying to say, but the sound bite could easily be misinterpreted. The Department of Defense (DoD) most certainly “does green,” and it has for some time now. At the highest level of leadership, there… Keep reading →

This picture taken December 26, 2011 sho

DepSecDef Work Details 2017 Budget: Offset Just Beginning EXCLUSIVE Breaking Defense

This picture taken December 26, 2011 sho

The Department of Defense (DoD) issued the contract data and reporting scorecard metrics for January and February 2015. The first scorecard, the Summary, displays Component compliance with sending contract actions to the Electronic Document Access (EDA) system in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Procedures, Guidance, and Information.

Renewable Structures: Choices And Challenges

Germany Seeks Ambitious Goals For Renewable Energy

Since the first wind deal utilizing a partnership in 2003 (also known as a “partnership flip,” a “pre-tax after-tax partnership,” or a “wind safe harbor partnership structure”), there has been a constant evolution of structures and a proliferation of financing alternatives for renewable energy transactions.

SolarReadyVetsObama_hero_0 (1)

The transition from military service into the civilian workforce can be a vulnerable moment. Many veterans indicate that finding a job is one of the greatest challenges they face in their return to civilian life, and one aspect of that challenge is translating military skills and experience in a marketable way for civilian employers. At… Keep reading →

Reading, Pennsylvania Struggles To Overcome Vast Swaths Of Poverty

It’s an exciting time for clean energy manufacturing in America. Renewable energy technologies are becoming increasingly cost-competitive and demand is growing rapidly. Our domestic energy boom has lowered utility bills for families and businesses across the country. And advances in energy productivity have made U.S manufacturers more globally competitive than ever. Two years ago, the… Keep reading →

F-16 Flies Over New York City

The US Department of Defense recently announced its latest round of annual jet fuel contracts and the bill came to almost $4 billion. That’s down about 20 percent from the last time the DOD awarded similar contracts and the military can thank cheaper crude oil for the discount. The US Air Force conversion from military-specific… Keep reading →

NASA's Orion Spacecraft Launches Unmanned Test Flight

This analysis suggests the Soviet Union’s surprise Sputnik launch led to the creation of DARPA and ultimately the most technically advanced military in the world. Some of those technologies spilled over into civilian life and are now ubiquitous. Could the US military pioneer climate-change mitigating energy advancements? Perhaps not without a “Sputnik moment.” [Weekly Wonk]… Keep reading →

As Default Deadline Nears, Congress Continues Debate Debt Ceiling Plan

Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Following its usual summer break over August 2014, Congress came back from its five-week summer recess and spent a whopping eight days or so back in session before recessing once again, approximately a week early, to hit the campaign trail for the November elections. This essentially means that including the summer recess, Congress will have been in session for a total of about eight days between the end of July and the middle of November 2014. No wonder why Congress has not been able to accomplish much this year, to date.

F-16 Flies Over New York City

The US Air Force just completed an initiative to convert all of its bases from military-specific grade jet fuel to a civilian grade – Jet A with additives – that will save millions of dollars in annual fuel costs and allow the Air Force to purchase fuel from a much wider pool of suppliers. This… Keep reading →

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