
Neurath Power Plant Rated Germany's Biggest CO2 Emitter

This Thursday, April 30, 2015, the University Senate of New York University (NYU) will discuss, and likely vote on, whether NYU’s endowment should be divested from fossil fuel investments. This is the result of a pressuring campaign from a national organization that aims to “stigmatize” oil, gas and coal companies. Many leading institutions of higher… Keep reading →

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Visits China

In one of the more honest assessments of current Saudi Arabian oil policy, Rice University’s Jim Krane said there are several plausible reasons behind the Saudis’ apparently sanguine approach to falling global oil prices, but only a few within the Kingdom really know. “If you’re somebody who looks at geopolitics and energy, you could come… Keep reading →

Renault Presents Cannes Film Festival Official Car 'Latitude'

Christophe de Margerie, CEO of major French oil company Total, was killed Monday night when his corporate jet crashed into a snow removal vehicle on the runway of an airport near Moscow. The company reportedly has no succession plant in place, but has strong corporate governance led by a long-standing board of directors. “Barclays France… Keep reading →

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

In light of a marked increase in the number of gas divestments taking place in the Canadian oil and gas sector, Ernst & Young recently looked at a number of forces that are driving companies to shed assets thereby identifying four dimensions – deal strategy, cost management, speed and risk mitigation – as crucial for any… Keep reading →

Immigration Activists Demonstrate In Los Angeles

As pressure to get institutional investors to divest holdings in fossil fuel-related companies increases, pension funds appear to be reacting slower than several college endowments. The logic advanced by climate activists is that as carbon pricing policies proliferate globally, companies that generate significant portions of their revenue from oil production or coal mining, for example,… Keep reading →

San Francisco Zoo Celebrates Endangered Species Day

It’s called “Energetic Bear” and some experts believe elements of the Russian government are behind a string of malware infections that reportedly compromised hundreds of industrial control systems. Originally thought to be used as a form of espionage, experts believe the technology can gain control of energy infrastructure and “cripple physical systems such as wind… Keep reading →

China Still Ranks Low On Environmental Safety

Climate Activist Bill McKibben says that a campaign to encourage divestment from fossil fuels is gaining momentum. If effective, it could have a huge impact on the oil, gas and coal industries, but it remains unclear how far-reaching it will prove to be. Brown University refused to divest from the 15 largest US coal companies,… Keep reading →