Crude Oil

Japan Commemorates First Anniversary Of Earthquake And Tsunami

The Japanese government has softened its anti-nuclear power strategy, which could open the way to existing reactor restarts and possibly even new plant construction. The post-Fukushima shutdown of the country’s nuclear fleet has led to increased electricity prices, eroded the trade balance and spiked fossil fuel imports, which are unsustainable conditions according to a new… Keep reading →

Transport Minister Visits PCK Oil Refinery

High vapor pressures can increase the flammability of crude oil and Bakken grades were determined to have higher pressures than several other common international grades refined in the US, which raises rail transport safety questions. “Given the recent derailments and subsequent reaction of the Bakken crude in those incidents, not enough is known about this… Keep reading →

Sens. Wyden, Udall, Paul, And Blumenthal Discuss Principles For Surveillance Reform

Time and again when the prospect of exporting US crude oil is discussed, the issue of domestic gasoline price impacts surfaces. Will consumers pay more or less at the pump? There is no shortage of debate on the topic, but some analysts contend the increased volumes of light sweet crude US exports would feed into… Keep reading →

FL Gov. Rick Scott Tours Dredge Site At PortMiami

The Brookings Institution, a think tank in Washington D.C., recently published “Big Bets & Black Swans – A Presidential Briefing Book” with policy recommendations for President Obama in 2014. Among a plethora of issues addressed, Tim Boersma and Charles K. Ebinger also discuss lifting the ban on U.S. oil exports. Let’s briefly assess the validity… Keep reading →

Oil Boom Shifts The Landscape Of Rural North Dakota

The writing has been on the wall since the disastrous train derailment last July near Lac-Megantic in Quebec and subsequent incidents involving the release of flammable liquids during railroad accidents. The issue of rail safety has also gotten a lot of press recently, as crude oil shipments by rail reportedly increased 400% since 2005. Now… Keep reading →

First Shore-Powered Oil Tanker Terminal Is Unveiled In Long Beach

This piece argues the US should not export crude oil and instead moderate production volumes in an effort to preserve the country’s natural resource endowment over the longer term. It also contends exports would increase domestic crude and product prices. “The real question for the United States is not about optimal trade policy or economic… Keep reading →

High Gas Prices Prompt Bush's Decision To Lift Ban On Offshore Oil Drilling

With pipeline infrastructure lagging the rapid increase in US crude oil production, railroads have been the preferred option for moving product to market, but a number of high-profile accidents involving crude oil tank cars are raising concerns. [New York Times] The recent UN Investor Summit on Climate Risk highlights the growth in sustainable investing and… Keep reading →

Suspected Pirates Surrender

The possibility of the Obama administration lifting the crude oil export embargo, to allow U.S. energy companies access to the world market, is finally a reality. Alaska Republican, and head of the Senate energy committee, Lisa Murkowski, drove the discussion this month when she called the ban “antiquated, and at times, absurd.” I couldn’t agree… Keep reading →

Grangemouth Petrochemical Plant  Saved From Closure

As the US tight oil and gas boom continues, reliance on Canadian crude oil and gas softens. Robust US production also sparked a vibrant export discussion, which could eventually see Canadian and US companies competing for customers and market share. “The protracted controversy over the Keystone XL Pipeline project has focused a great deal of… Keep reading →

Oil Boom Shifts The Landscape Of Rural North Dakota

The issue of exporting US crude oil – essentially banned since the 1970’s energy crisis – is gaining steam, as US domestic oil production volumes increase to levels few thought possible just a few years ago. Amid this environment of surging incremental production, certain high-profile industry and high-ranking government officials soften to the idea of… Keep reading →

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