Consumer Energy Alliance

UK Hit By Heavy Snow Fall

The EIA’s latest Short-Term Energy and Winter Fuels Outlook finds US households heated with natural gas, propane and electricity face higher heating bills this winter. Projected changes in residential expenditures from last winter are: 13% higher for homes that heat primarily with natural gas 9% higher for propane 2% higher for electricity 2% lower for… Keep reading →

House Energy And Commerce Cmte Holds Hearing On Keystone XL Pipeline Project

Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey has made a rather odd request of TransCanada: that it seek to influence the marketing operations of refiners that buy Canadian crude oil shipped through the Keystone XL pipeline. Senator Markey wrote a letter to TransCanada chief executive Russ Girling yesterday requesting that the company require buyers of oil that would… Keep reading →

Fossil fuels and renewable energy have become touchy topics in this election, with challenger Mitt Romney painting President Barack Obama as too hard on the first and too fanciful about the second – and Obama saying Romney is out of touch with energy’s future.

But two other significant resources, nuclear power and energy efficiency, are evoking scant debate. Keep reading →