Constitutional Law

Currents: Energy Industry Insights October 2018 #4

Britain's Prince Charles(6thR) walks in

The U.S. Supreme Court slows children’s climate lawsuit

Last NC Law Changes of 2014 – Just In Time For The holidays

Siemens Announces 2012 Financial Results

Although the NC General Assembly adjourned last summer it is customary to allow some laws that require lead time for implementation to go into effect on December 1st. The following is a list of NC laws that are new today:

Governor Cuomo Speaks On His State Of The State And Budget Message

On Tuesday, November 4, 2014, 59 percent of voters elected to ban the practice of hydraulic fracturing (“fracing”) in the city of Denton, which sits on top of the hydrocarbon-rich Barnett Shale. Although the ban does not prevent conventional drilling operations, the ban essentially forbids fracing, effectively expelling the drilling industry from city limits. Other municipalities sitting on top of the Barnett Shale—such as Fort Worth, Dallas and Arlington—have grappled with urban drilling as well, but Denton’s complete prohibition marks the first of its kind in Texas.