Climate Policy

Are Regulatory Delays Exacerbating Drought Conditions?

Drought Dries Up California Groundwater Sources

As we enter the fall season, substantial portions of California and the Pacific Northwest are experiencing extreme to exceptional drought conditions.

Google Reports Quarterly Earnings

  Google has announced its newest investment in a wind power project in Kenya that, when completed, will be Africa’s biggest wind farm. [The Washington Post] The blowout of an oil well in White Earth, North Dakota over the weekend remains uncontrolled as the State Health Department’s new spill investigation team is on scene. [Bismarck Tribune]… Keep reading →


GOP Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson has asserted that if the United States had declared its intention to achieve energy independence after the September 11th terror attacks, moderate Arab governments would have turned over Osama Bin Laden within two weeks. [ABC] Prof Jacquie McGlade said the UK was shifting away from clean energy as the rest of the… Keep reading →

Leibstadt nuclear power plant is seen on

Today I had the opportunity to visit the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station to see first hand the significant progress that is being made by TEPCO and the dedicated workers at the Fukushima site cleanup and to gain a better understanding of the challenges that remain. Japan is a close ally and we are committed… Keep reading →

New Combined Electricity Project Connect Spain and France

Spanish energy company Repsol says it will sell $7.1 billion in non-strategic assets over the next five years as part of a plan to increase efficiency and cope with weak oil prices. [US News/AP] U.S. law enforcement officials revealed ISIS have attempted cyber attacks at a conference of American energy firms who were meeting about… Keep reading →

Energy & Environment Update – September 2015 #4

As Default Deadline Nears, Congress Continues Debate Debt Ceiling Plan

Congress is focusing this week on finalizing a continuing resolution and preparing for new House Republican leadership in the wake of Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) retirement announcement.

VW Automobile Assembly

The Volkswagen scandal has revealed the continuing disregard of major corporations to curb global emissions levels and participate in a systemic effort to incorporate green practices into their respective industries. VW was successful in deceiving the EPA and consumers by developing software that hid the emissions output of its Diesel fleet until the revelation of… Keep reading →

Demand For Natural Gas

The world’s leading developing nations are spending up to $200bn a year subsidising fossil fuels, according to a report from the OECD. [The Guardian] 100 percent renewable energy is achievable by 2050, according to Greenpeace’s latest Energy Revolution report. [EcoWatch] The British government said on Monday that it would provide $3.1 billion in state aid for… Keep reading →

Exxon Valdez Oil Disaster 15 Years Later

President Obama has used his trip to Alaska to thrust climate change to the forefront by putting the state’s liquefying glaciers and sinking villages on graphic display. [Yahoo News] The next phase of California’s clean energy leadership will face a set of bills in the State Assembly that would substantially expand the state’s existing clean energy… Keep reading →

Oil Drops To $96 A Barrel As Energy Prices Decline 1.4 Percent In April

Comparisons are being made to the volatile markets of 1998 due to oil testing lows, the struggle of emerging markets and a strong a strong dollar that is threatening to knock over debt dominoes. [CNBC] The Australian region of Victoria is planning to fast-track the construction of 50 new wind turbines worth $200m, countering the fossil fuel friendly… Keep reading →

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