Clean Energy Technologies

Cleveland's COOPs

Last month, Facebook announced its new $750 million data center will be located in New Albany, Ohio, just north of Columbus. Why did the social media giant choose this particular spot? Apparently, Facebook likes clean energy, stating, “The availability of renewable energy sources, including wind, solar and hydro, was critical to the decision.” And Facebook isn’t… Keep reading →

Renewable Energy Update – September 2017

Research Shows San Andreas Fault May Be Overdue For Large Earthquake

California Democratic leaders want their state to commit to a future of 100 percent renewable electricity, a goal approved so far by only one U.S. state—Hawaii.

California Power Grid Strained By Heat Wave

A new report by M.J. Bradley & Associates shows that coal-fired power plants are retiring primarily due to low natural gas prices and flattened demand, and that cleaner energy keeps our electric grid reliable. The report estimates that coal plant closures caused less than 20 percent of the overall decline in coal generation over the past six years, and… Keep reading →

Germany Seeks Ambitious Goals For Renewable Energy

1. Wind is powering America. From utility-scale wind farms to small distributed wind applications to the nation’s first offshore wind project, the U.S. wind industry continued to grow in 2016. The U.S. Department of Energy recently published three reports breaking down the state of wind energy in 2016. From invigorating the U.S. economy to advancing engineering breakthroughs, wind energy is moving America… Keep reading →

Gulf Coast Still Reeling From Aftermath Of Hurricane Katrina

AEP, one of Ohio’s largest utilities, just reached an exciting new milestone that takes the state further down the path to a clean energy economy. The utility has reached a settlement that will unlock millions in funding, lower pollution, avoid unnecessary electricity bill increases, and provide customers with more clean energy options. New benefits In AEP’s recent… Keep reading →

Renewable Energy Update – August 2017 #3

danko doe solar2

Two solar manufacturers are begging the federal government for help, arguing that without protection from a flood of cheap imports, the United States risks losing its own domestic solar industry.

Germany Expands Its Electricity Grid

Recently, it seems like everyone is competing to become the next big thing in the energy sector. Whether it’s electric vehicles, smart grid technology, or energy storage, innovation continues to pop up left and right as we work to build a smarter, cleaner electric grid. If innovation and technology spark your competitive drive, here’s your… Keep reading →

Renewable Energy Update – August 2017

Obama To Deliver Major Climate Change Speech

More than $9 billion and 41,000 jobs have been added to the Inland Empire economy as a result of California’s climate change initiatives, a new study found.

Detroit Hosts Flagship North American International Auto Show

Electric vehicles (EVs) don’t make much noise on the road, but they’re generating a lot of buzz about the future of this technology and what it means for business and the environment. Cars, buses, and trucks are the second biggest source of pollution in the U.S. after electricity production. They are responsible for over 26 percent of emissions that… Keep reading →

Crane Collapses On Apartment Building On Manhattan's Upper East Side

American cities are home to nearly 63 percent of energy use, despite only accounting for 3.5 percent of land area.  It is estimated that these cities and their buildings will account for 87 percent of domestic energy consumption by 2030. Since its inception in late 2016, 43 cities and counties have joined the U.S. Department of Energy’s… Keep reading →

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