Report Claims 20 Percent Of US's Energy Could Come From Wind Power

STANFORD, Calif. At the fifth annual Clean Energy Education & Empowerment (C3E) Women in Clean Energy Symposium today, nine distinguished women across multiple disciplines will be honored for outstanding leadership and accomplishments in clean energy. The Symposium is being held at Stanford University and is hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), MIT Energy… Keep reading →


After a landmark U.S.-China climate announcement and combined pledges of nearly $10 billion to the Green Climate Fund, there is strong momentum leading into the annual United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP 20) in Lima, Peru. At COP 20, climate change negotiators will meet to help build the… Keep reading →

Sec Chu addresses the Clean Energy Ministerial in London: ‘This is just the start’ http://youtu.be/0eawSswsPo0 ENERGY